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Big Collab: Moving along!

Sat 3rd Nov, 2007

Big Collab


Shanna's bulletin

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Image 523968 Gracie Rafferty
Thu 8th Nov, 2007

Hiya CC! Do you want me to add your vote to landscape? And also guys, the admins have now given us our own forum! Check it out here: I transferred all the information to there so we now have a central point to discuss everything! YAY!

Image 547985 C Chimera
Thu 8th Nov, 2007

I love the landscape idea, personally. I am completely obsessed with trees, love drawing them and love being in places with lots of trees, so I'm very intrigued by the "landscape that changes through the seasons as it moves across the square" idea. I'd love to see that idea come about. :)

Image 523968 Gracie Rafferty
Wed 7th Nov, 2007

Hehe guys :D I think whatever we choose; if more people come later - we shouldn't worry too much. People may migrate and add on; I think that'd be cool if they took the initiative to simply collab on their own with us :) Our group is still growing; we have more people that will be moved shortly... so yeah, it's really hard to predict what the final outcome of this will be; I'm just sort of taking a flexible approach and adjusting for each possibility :)

Image 1001176 Shanna Muston
Wed 7th Nov, 2007

ditto about the group of love gracie, i can give out lots of virtual hugs to make people feel better bout this *hugs* Mark thats so true about being about to continue the collab along after its done, especially for any new OMM members that might come along and didn't get the chance to join. The attic idea could work with this. it would sorta just have to have no outside walls or something. if that makes sense?, that might also make it easier for us if we went with that idea, because of perspective. but then again, if it didn't all match up that could look really cool. decisions decisions! its so overwhelming!

Image 482428 Mark Watkinson
Tue 6th Nov, 2007

I had a thought last night, unusual I know, but I wondered what may happen after we finish the Big Collab. It looks as though we are going to start with a nice neat 6 x 6 square which will form a big picture probably based on a photo or reference of some kind. Very soon, when the functionality becomes available, anyone on the OMM will be able to position their square where they want which will mean if they want to add a bit to the Big Collab they will be able to. It might be that when the new functionality is launched that the OMM admins let people know that they have the option of keeping an individual square or adding to our Big Collab or even starting their own. I think this would be kind of neat as whatever we start may just evolve on its own and any late additions will be from any new participants imagination and not from any kind of reference which would be interesting to see what happens. I think what I am trying to say is if we think this would be good maybe we should take this into consideration when choosing a subject to ensure it is something that is not restrictive and can be expanded upon. Cheers Mark

Image 523968 Gracie Rafferty
Tue 6th Nov, 2007

Magnus, updated my square :D I think it's great to collab for now on something simple to get us in the spirit until we make our decision :D People seem to lean towards landscape - is there anyone here who really doesn't want to do that? Please let me know and why :D I want to be sure everyone feels comfortable voicing their opinions. Keep in mind that overall the image will work out great, so perfection is not vital with our collab.. no one is "not good enough" for this project, I know we'll all be helping eachother out. Sarah and Stacey - added both your votes darlins.

Image 575253 Sarah Edwards
Tue 6th Nov, 2007

Yay! I'm happy now I'm officialy part of this! I vote for the attic idea - it is more personal than just a landscape or something from different countries, especially if you are in the wrong area to do your country.

Image 442328 Stacey Dirickson
Tue 6th Nov, 2007

Awesome! Thanks for the warm welcome. :D
I love all of the ideas, specially the one about a giant landscape - seasonal tree w/ a lightsource. I think it would look awesome.
Whatever is decided will be perfectly fine with me, I am glad to be a part of something like this - I love to see people work together! -Stacey

Image 629591 Magnus Wittstrom
Tue 6th Nov, 2007

I love the idea of a temporary thing until we have decided on the final design so I made a bulletin with a suggestion

Please check it out and let me know what you think. Remember it's only something temporary until we have decided.

Image 523968 Gracie Rafferty
Tue 6th Nov, 2007

Hey guys! Lots of ideas flowing here! I'm updating the bulletin as I write this. Laura: Don't worry babe. Everyone here is of a different skill level but that's what's so COOL about the collab is that we will try to achieve a picture that works even with all these different people. If you're really worried, Laura, when we have the sketches and gridding work going on, I can be sure that your square is lines or soft shapes or something easy on ya :D And any help or advice you need is readily available from everyone in the collab :D Including myself. We're all going to work together and that's why it'll work - so I'm not booting you, sweetheart. And feel free to sneak in a space monkey or two somewhere as well. No one is getting kicked for their square! If you try your best no one can complain, and that's the brilliant thing. This is for fun and for community... we're a big group of love here. So please don't be afraid sweetheart. Welcome also to Stacey, Faith, ivana, and Sarah! Our big collab is now almost a perfect square guys :) Hey Shub - that seems pretty fun actually; we could even do that now while we wait if you want, to fill our squares with an initial collab before we figure out what we're doing for the final picture :D And if we all like how the letter collab is moving along we can keep it and elaborate :D

Image 575273 Shubnum Khan
Mon 5th Nov, 2007

Hm...I just had an idea - this is somewhere in the centre of the picture right? Well, why dont we have 'HE MILLION MASTERPIECE' written (the letters would help link each square and each person could decorate the areas outside the lettering how they want (in effect giving them artistic freedom and those worrying about 'messin up' wouldnt have to worry. The effect would be the large strong letters.

Sorry for this late idea. Anyway see you'll soon!

Image 575253 Sarah Edwards
Mon 5th Nov, 2007

A landscape is a good idea, will allow a lot of variety and is something that can be done easily if you do not feel you are that artistically blessed, or you can put much more detail in if you can.

I also like the hands idea (below) but it may resuly in too much brown and beige. I was thinking of something more... colourful.

Image 541685 Deanna
Mon 5th Nov, 2007

Okay for the past weekend i had nothing to do but sit in a stand and think ( i was hunting with my brother and well you have to be quite this is really hard for me to do since i like talking so much) so when i was thinkng i thought of an idea, I thought of hands, What if everyone painted a hand. each hand over laping the next. all kinds diffrent colors, and kinds.I dont know what ya'll would think of that. but just and idea,. This way everyone keeps their indivdual self but making a bigger picture. sound a lil funny when you read about it but would look really cool.



I was also thinking of haveing some of them joining hads and linking everyone to the center.

Image 442328 Stacey Dirickson
Mon 5th Nov, 2007

Gracie :
Is it too late for me to join?
I had some family issues and couldn't get back online to say yes before the 2nd. If not, I understand, thanks again for asking me to be part of this.
When I tried ot make a new picture a couple of weeks ago it wouldn't let me... odd. XD

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