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Artist Name

Sharon A. Hart




United States




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About Sharon A. Hart

Currently working from a studio in New Mexico, USA and drawing on her international experiences, Sharon views the palette of the world around us through the lens of myth & metaphor. As Jean Campbell said, "The way of the mystic and the way of the artist are very much alike--except that the mystic does not have a craft." Sharon allows each new piece of artwork to evolve steadily and naturally with its own voice and rhythm, suffusing it with emotional overtones that envelop the subject matter in an aura of perfect harmony until it resounds a universal theme. Her favorite subjects are those that navigate the delicate relationship between expanded consciousness and passion. She prepares her own canvas, mediums and varnishes and generally uses only hand ground paint, often grinding the colors herself. A difficult and time consuming task, abandoned by most contemporary artists, but vital to the quality of her work. The methods and techniques she employs are those of the Old Masters but her paintings are decidedly contemporary. Many of her paintings contain timeless subject matter such as fruit and flowers, but in others you will find more modern motifs. Landscapes are often inspired by the views outside her home or by strolls along the eastern seaboard of the United States.

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