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Artist Name

Jeffrey Roosendaal




Hoorn, Netherlands




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trying to make Arnold Schwarzenegger :x, although it's still far from finished..
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Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 639207 Lubos Bakyta
Wed 5th Mar, 2008
Image 559155 Rebecca Swift
Mon 12th Nov, 2007
looks excellent! the finished one will be amazing!
Image 536783 Kimberly Li
Tue 18th Sep, 2007
nice job so far! can't wait to see the finished piece! :D
Image 523968 Gracie Rafferty
Wed 12th Sep, 2007
Nicely done, would love to see this finished - keep it up! In the meantime, I'll vote you up. Hehe.
Image 531942 Sin-Mae Chung
Wed 12th Sep, 2007
i still love how much it resembles him!
Image 508021 Jin K
Fri 3rd Aug, 2007
this is great! i can't wait to see the finished product if this is a wip!
Image 421573 Allison Dollar
Tue 3rd Jul, 2007
This is really cool! I can't wait to see the final piece!
Image 500000 Paul Fisher
Tue 3rd Jul, 2007
Excellent - have a green arrow!
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