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Artist Name

Boris Voglar




Ptuj, Slovenia




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About Boris Voglar

I was born on 18th February 1971 in Ptuj/Slovenia/Europe. The interest for photography has been with me since the early childhood. My father used to like it and obviously took photos as well. Every time my family would go on a holiday or trips we would also take pictures of ourselves or the places we visited. At home we have a large archive of photos of me and my brother from different periods of our lives. I got my first camera when I was 13 years old. Since then taking photos has been one of my favourite hobbies. Through time it actually became more than that. It is a kind of obsession. In the last 4 or 5 years photography became more serious for me. I’m a student of Sociology at Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana and study of Sociology of media has driven me into deeper study of the history of photography, its respective techniques, uses, and consequently brought me to my first group and solo exhibitions. I have exhibited mostly in my hometown and in Melbourne, Ljubljana, Maribor, Kranj, Radovljica… Theoretical work of Susan Sonntag, Roland Barthes, Walter Benjamin, Janez Strehovec and others has brought me to a new level of understanding of this visual medium. For me photography is one of the tools of self expression, and a nice way of getting to know people and making worldwide connections. Through it I’m also able to express my views of the world, my inner self, my emotions, thoughts, points of view, but also my view of the people and the society surrounding me. I could say my philosophy of photography is in some respect similar to the great master Henri-Cartier Bresson’s and his “decisive moment”. I prefer photographing concerts but it is very hard to get good results in dark and crowded places. Experimenting with the visual expression has brought me to the abstract possibilities of photography and to the photography of architecture. In the future I would like to learn more about this beautiful art form and I also like to publish more of mine photos and articles. I’m planning to graduate at Department of Pedagogy at Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana with the topics: 'Photography and free time education; the other title from sociology of popular music is: 'Trance - between arhaic ritual and futuristic subculture'.

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Image 533541 Jason Knight
Sat 7th Apr, 2007
Wonderful! -Jason
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