Million Masterpiece
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Artist Name

HK Millward




Macclesfield, United Kingdom




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About HK Millward

Currently a student hoping to pursue illustration ^_~ Very fond of animals, nature and elements of fantasy!

Contact Information

aim: HyenaFeatures

More about HK Millward

Occupation: Student
Interests and Hobbies: Doodling & designing, gaming, photography, animals & zoology, amongst other bitty things. Hehe.
Artists: Roger Dean & Salvador Dali
Music: Metal, Goth, Rock & Ska, mostly, though current library is pretty mixed.
Movies: The Secret Garden, Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean & Disney things are just a few favourites. ^_^
Books and Writers: Brian Jacques & Garry Kilworth

My favourite pictures

Rafaella Ryon
Patos - Duck City, BR

Jason Knight
Salt Lake City, UT, US

Joel Pigou
Leicestershire, GB

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The Prince

This seems to have developed into a trademark doodle of mine. ^_^
Tags : wolf prince animal night
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Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 447218 Michelle Scott
Mon 1st Oct, 2007
this is amazing love it well done:)
Image 594407 Anonymous
Sun 26th Aug, 2007
Really good :)
Image 536783 Kimberly Li
Mon 6th Aug, 2007
oooh that's a very nice trademark doodle you have there! :D
Image 535162 Oliver ...a.k.a hounddoglover
Sun 5th Aug, 2007
Nice shading! Interesting coloring. :)
Image 554448 J Yang
Fri 3rd Aug, 2007
hey, thanks for the comment! great detail in *your* fur as well ;) the galaxy in the corner is a nice touch, too. good job~
Image 450344 Nidhi Rathish
Thu 2nd Aug, 2007
aw how adorable! +1 :)
Image 551118 Laura Schrampfer
Wed 1st Aug, 2007
very cool! I like your shading!
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