Author | Cheers~! |
Vicky Chan Member
Posts: 4 Joined: 22.09.06
 | Posted on 06-10-2006 03:04 | |
Hello everyone! i'm simply amazed by all the work that's being done by everyone on this site. The little drawing palette provide only the basic tools, yet the creativity and aesthetic sense of the artists are just overwelming-good! It's AWESOME!! I've been telling all my friends to join this art collaboration.  |

Author | RE: Cheers~! |
Alicia Thompson Super Administrator
Posts: 215 Joined: 23.09.06
 | Posted on 06-10-2006 11:34 | |
Hey Vicky, Welcome to the site- hope you join us more on the forums, keep plugging it to your friends! |

Author | RE: Cheers~! |
Ryan Bauer Member
Posts: 27 Joined: 18.10.06
 | Posted on 29-06-2007 23:01 | |
Hi, Vicky. I don't know if it's bad that I'm saying this, but I was really surprised and relieved when I saw the new programming implemented on the site. I love it, but it's not everything I was looking for... like, I know this administrators don't want this turning into a total forum site, but it would help the community sense so much more if you could access comments no matter how far back in the past they go. I mean, they have a limited amount of space and this thread portion here probably replaces that, but I can't remember all of the people that took an interest in my drawing, and I didn't have time to comment on theirs.  I definitely needed this, because notes don't seem to work for me; no one ever sends me notes. And how long does it take for a picture to update when anyone looks at your profile without replaying the picture? The star system is gone too.... which prevents the habit people have of 5-starring everything, but then you don't know whether people thought it was just good enough to get a vote.... or it was the best they'd ever seen. Now I don't even think There are sacrifices made in this new update, and I hope they can look into the areas that are lacking in the future. (I know they probably put a ton of work into this, so I am not putting them down at all) Like-- thanks so much to them for making the zoom feature. I was constantly in a painstaking process before, having to double-check every dot on the screen to see if it looked right. And a lot of undo's.....
 *palette power*!
nice of you to invite me for conversation) |
