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AuthorHarry Potter.
Alicia Thompson
Super Administrator

Posts: 215
Joined: 23.09.06

Posted on 10-07-2007 03:54
I'm basically reiterating what I said in my bulletin a few days ago. As excited as we all are, I really don't want to see spoilers cropping up here without proper warning. Proper warning comes in the form of the following: (not actually a real spoiler, by the way, I'm trying to be creative here.)
Bruce Willis' character had been dead the whole time
Savvy? I know I probably sound like a nazi, but this is the last time us Potter geeks get to do this, you know? Eleven days to go! Let the excitement begin!

Edited by Alicia Thompson on 12-07-2007 22:14
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AuthorRE: Harry Potter.
M. A. Hallmark

Posts: 14
Joined: 17.02.07

Posted on 12-07-2007 18:48
LOL I already knew that spoiler! smiley
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AuthorRE: Harry Potter.
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Joined: 30.11.06

Posted on 13-07-2007 03:35
Ok, I only read the first three books, and that was way back when they first came out so I have no clue what happened since, but I wanna try my luck at predicting-spoiling the outcome. I've been telling people these things for years, but I think I want to see the response when I post it online. So, this is totally coming from the bowels of my mind, but just in case I'm telepathetic and picked up what happened in the next book Imma warn people anyway.
Ok, here goes. Voldemort and harry potter are actually related, in fact V is harry potter's father, but for some reason he is evil or something. Um... and in the end harry potter finds out that if he kills V then he will die himself and this is the only way to protect frogwartz from imminent evilness. because they are connected in life force by some bond that formed when V zapped harry. and then after everyone gets over what a martyr harry is, heroin and the red hed will go and get married and live with the red head's family forever.
Oh yeah, and that blond dude is gay.
Alternate ending:
Harry potter (really called Hal Pothead) wakes up from a drug induced 20 year coma in a hospital and realizes that all of the other characters are just figments of his own imagination. Except Voldemort, really there is no voldemort, rather there is an evil nurse who likes giving the comatose people bad haircuts in their sleep. But one time she slipped and gave Hal a cut on his forehead that vaguely resembles a cut. One of the other nurses was worried that the haircutter would get caught in the act of cutting hair, and was henceforth referred to as a "worrywart" (which was misheard by hal as "voldemort" ) this lead to a discussion on if toads and frogs really caused warts, at which point one of the nurses suggested the other go to a special frog wart school and find out. and then after getting said warts from school, she could wear a black hat and fly around on brooms. This is where the idea of a school named somethingwart and witches came from.
The blond kid is really leonardo decraprio's little brother who is starring on a soap opera on a T.V. in Hal's room. He turns out to be gay.
In the end the reader finds out that one of the lead doctors is M. night shaymalan who pops out from behind the door and says "what a twist!"
and then the book ends.


Edited by Jim on 22-07-2007 00:57
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AuthorRE: Harry Potter.
Alicia Thompson
Super Administrator

Posts: 215
Joined: 23.09.06

Posted on 15-07-2007 08:17
OH NOES!!!!! D:
You wouldn't believe how many times I've heard the first theory from people saying it in all seriousness. Come on guys, it's not star wars.
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AuthorRE: Harry Potter.
Super Administrator

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Joined: 30.11.06

Posted on 16-07-2007 03:27
Come on guys, it's not star wars.

but it COULD be.smiley

Edited by Jim on 16-07-2007 03:27
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AuthorRE: Harry Potter.
Alicia Thompson
Super Administrator

Posts: 215
Joined: 23.09.06

Posted on 19-07-2007 05:04
haha,and harry and ginny are really siblings, voldemort is their father and harry loses his wand hand.
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AuthorRE: Harry Potter.
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Posted on 20-07-2007 03:17
I just went and read the book, thats exactly what happened... smiley

(I actually haven't read the book, but I do know from a friend of my who's a harry potter fanatic, that both him and I were born on the same day, same year as each other. Wierd huh, we could be twins, except I'm real, we're not related, and he has an accent.)smiley
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AuthorRE: Harry Potter.
Aunty Mor

Posts: 294
Joined: 28.12.06

Posted on 21-07-2007 01:19
Guess who got the book today?! smileysmileysmileysmileysmileysmiley
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AuthorRE: Harry Potter.
Alicia Thompson
Super Administrator

Posts: 215
Joined: 23.09.06

Posted on 21-07-2007 11:49
Guess who just finished it!!!
You were partially right about your prediction. Not suprising to me, considering how inbred the wizarding world is, Harry and Voldemort are very distantly related!

I was thinking of going back and whiting out the "spoilers" that were actually true but I realised that would be more of a spoiler for those who have already read the post and then saw that parts had been whited out afterwards.


Edited by Alicia Thompson on 21-07-2007 11:55
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AuthorRE: Harry Potter.
Super Administrator

Posts: 159
Joined: 30.11.06

Posted on 22-07-2007 00:53
hmmm writing in white, there could be hundreds of hidden messages all over in other posts, I must investigate!
<span style="color: white;">Just testing to see if I could write in white</span>

Hmmm, I can't seem to get it to work right...

Oh wait a second! theres a little tab so I don't have to type in the code!smiley

Edited by Jim on 22-07-2007 00:56
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AuthorRE: Harry Potter.
Khym Nga

Posts: 41
Joined: 06.12.06

Posted on 22-07-2007 13:10
haha. I am not going to buy the book. So, reading spoilers is how I am going to find out what happens. TELL ME MORE!!! haha.
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AuthorRE: Hidden messages abound
Super Administrator

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Posted on 22-07-2007 22:18
a book eh? I'm writing a book in fact... its on my deviantart page, its been nominated for 12 emmys and 38 grammys in my mind already....
You will read my book and enjoy it.

The harry potter books, so far as I've read, actually are well writen, just not my cup of tea, so I didn't finish the series.... I'm not a tea person, more of a root beer man actually.

Oh man, I am LOVING this font color adjuster, I'm going to hide hidden messages EVERYWHERE!
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AuthorRE: Harry Potter.
Alicia Thompson
Super Administrator

Posts: 215
Joined: 23.09.06

Posted on 04-08-2007 15:48
So, I finished twelve hours after it was released here, but then my computer had a painful, violent demise involving my mother, an accident and a glass of water.
So, I got to upgrade!

Who enjoyed it?
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AuthorRE: Harry Potter.
Paul Fisher
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Posted on 07-08-2007 14:24
I finished yesterday and thought it was great. I did guess half way through that

#######SPOILER START########
Harry was the seventh Horcrux
#######SPOILER END########

but I didn't think of the

#######SPOILER START########
blood tie between himself and Voldermort, or that the wands true master was Harry
#######SPOILER END########

All in all I feel like I have the holiday blues - pretty gutted that it's all over!
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AuthorRE: Harry Potter.
Alicia Thompson
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Posts: 215
Joined: 23.09.06

Posted on 08-08-2007 19:08
I've known and have been discussing the first spoiler since that whole deal was first mentioned. I just didn't see a way that he couldn't be one. He fit all the criteria.

I thought briefly about the second one, but I was very, very impressed about how it was excecuted.

Am I the only one who loved the "Epilogue that must not be named"?
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AuthorRE: Harry Potter.
Sarah Edwards
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Posted on 12-08-2007 15:45
I love some of the ideas people have come up with. Especially the drug induced coma. I am now going to search the book for drug references...
I think the book was very cleverly tied up, it all made sense in way that wasnt too farfetched... Okay, was no more farfetched than the whole book itself.
I loved the epilogue. It was adorable, although I think it is commiting child cruelty by naming one son James and another Albus Severus. Its just mean.

Edited by Sarah Edwards on 14-08-2007 16:08
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AuthorRE: Harry Potter.
Benjamin Wirtz

Posts: 21
Joined: 07.12.06

Posted on 29-10-2007 01:03
Actually I never read the book but have heard people talking about the epilogue and that is pretty much how I predicted it would end like 2 years ago. Except I had the idea that the lady who writes them was making too much money to end it so she would make a spinoff following Ron and Hermoinie's children.
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