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The One Million Masterpiece | The Greenroom | Hmmm...quick question

AuthorHmmm...quick question
Lucy Lenhoff

Posts: 1
Joined: 31.01.07

Posted on 01-02-2007 00:52
Why does everyone draw eyes? Just wondering. I'm not against it...I actually find them very beautiful. Just asking. ^^
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AuthorRE: Hmmm...quick question
Sin-Mae Chung
Super Administrator

Posts: 372
Joined: 07.12.06

Posted on 01-02-2007 01:13
hehe.. well eyes are quite beautiful things you know.. part of wat we know is wat we see. and its a great characteristic or feature on a person. eyes arent the only things that are drawn alot.. many draw happy faces and such lol.
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AuthorRE: Hmmm...quick question
Khym Nga

Posts: 41
Joined: 06.12.06

Posted on 01-02-2007 03:43
but lucy is right, there are a high number of eyes drawn. never notice till she mentioned it.
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AuthorRE: Hmmm...quick question
Aunty Mor

Posts: 294
Joined: 28.12.06

Posted on 01-02-2007 08:37
and trees! There are so many pictures of trees. Wonder what the most drawn thing is on here. What do you reckon, trees or eyes or smiley faces?
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AuthorRE: Hmmm...quick question
Alicia Thompson
Super Administrator

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Joined: 23.09.06

Posted on 01-02-2007 09:15
I think it's just one of the first things that come to mind.
Everyone has them, they're all different, rah rah rah.
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AuthorRE: Hmmm...quick question
Sin-Mae Chung
Super Administrator

Posts: 372
Joined: 07.12.06

Posted on 01-02-2007 12:15
the first thing that hit me were eyes i had to admit.. but the callender was a great example of alot of things drawn in numbers. i also find there is a rising number in the "coming soon" ones haha
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AuthorRE: Hmmm...quick question

Posts: 65
Joined: 20.11.06

Posted on 03-02-2007 23:16
The most done subject, eh? SPACEMONKEYS! Heheh....

I think part of the thing is that humans tend to have this kind of weird fascination with eyes. Maybe it's the whole "window to the soul" thing, or maybe there's some kind of deeper meaning, but I've found it to be a recurring motif across all genres and nations.
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AuthorRE: Hmmm...quick question

Posts: 56
Joined: 29.11.06

Posted on 04-02-2007 00:27
I'm guilty of having a tree! smiley It's what I've doodled since I was a kid, so it was naturally my first choice for an image.

People do have a fascination for eyes- when I was younger everyone used to comment on how my eyes really brought whatever I was drawing to life. I tried to take care to get them "just so".

Edited by Skaiifish on 04-02-2007 00:29
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AuthorRE: Hmmm...quick question
Aunty Mor

Posts: 294
Joined: 28.12.06

Posted on 04-02-2007 09:45
smiley Thought I had commented on all the trees (love trees!) but think I may have missed yours will go and look now.
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