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The One Million Masterpiece | Images for deletion | Obscene?

Diana Barthauer

Posts: 78
Joined: 30.10.06

Posted on 21-11-2006 19:02
I'm really not sure if this is appropriate... it has little to do with artistic nudity.

Edited by P H on 08-12-2006 15:29
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AuthorRE: Obscene?
Lisa Stevens
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Posted on 23-11-2006 10:57
Actually it sort of reminds me of The Tate Modern.....there is lots of work from contemporary British artists that include images of genitals, and the composition, line and colour are very "pop art". I think it should stay, with a "not Child friendly" lable on it to spare those sensitive souls.....saying that though, I think children see worse scrawled on the toilet walls in school!
Sometimes I think there is more to art than the image itself, there is a story and meaning and possibly comment on society.

Just my two pence worth! I guess I do actually feel quite strongly that nudity is a pretty big part of life, humanity, and since it began, art, and therefore should not be deleted!
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AuthorRE: Obscene?
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Posted on 23-11-2006 11:46
Lisa Stevens wrote:
Actually it sort of reminds me of The Tate Modern.....there is lots of work from contemporary British artists that include images of genitals, and the composition, line and colour are very "pop art". I think it should stay, with a "not Child friendly" lable on it to spare those sensitive souls.....saying that though, I think children see worse scrawled on the toilet walls in school!
Sometimes I think there is more to art than the image itself, there is a story and meaning and possibly comment on society.

Just my two pence worth! I guess I do actually feel quite strongly that nudity is a pretty big part of life, humanity, and since it began, art, and therefore should not be deleted!

I agree.

There are three or four squares that I have seen so far that are reminiscent of toilet-wall graffiti depictions of disembodied genitals. Whether they are indeed a modern comment on society or art, or just a juvenile reaction to having the freedom of drawing anything, I'm not sure. Squares in either case are equally valid contributions in my opinion.

The 'Not Child Friendly' attribute is useful whilst the OMM is on the web. When the finished work is exhibited, though, I doubt that it will cause anywhere near as much offense as half of the exhibitions at the Tate modern smiley

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AuthorRE: Obscene?
Lisa Stevens
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Posts: 62
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Posted on 23-11-2006 14:02
I think this square is particularly well drawn, I like the style, the artist obviously has an ability to draw and is not just taking the opertunity "Oh great, I can really offend people by drawing a willy!"

I didn't realise how strongly I felt about this issue, but I've been thinking about it whilst doing the dishes, and have a few other points in favour of keeping the image....

A penis is a regularly used symbol of man and humanity, it is used across different societies and reoccurs throuout human history. A few of the meanings include Mankind, Fertility and Power.

I hate to say it people, but through all ages (children included) all races, all religions and social classes, around 50% of people have one of these hidden in their trousers! smiley

Besides which, if we have to delete this, it's going to be a hell of a job deleting the Cerne Abbas Giant! (Which I'm pleased to say has been restored to his former glory! )

Anyway, I'm not a millitant person, But I do feel very strongly about sensorship. smiley

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AuthorRE: Obscene?
Paul Fisher
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Posted on 23-11-2006 17:38
I'm so pleased to read some really thoughful opinions being expressed in this thread. My opinion is close to yours Pip and Lisa, but would love to hear any other viewpoints.

Very proud of our little community right now!!
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AuthorRE: Obscene?
Diana Barthauer

Posts: 78
Joined: 30.10.06

Posted on 23-11-2006 19:00
Point proven. I have to say I agree with you guys now. I was more of an annoyed reaction as I generally know those kind of pictures from 14 year old boys who crack up in class time about it <.<
But I agree, this seems to be a wholly different case.
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AuthorRE: Obscene?
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Posted on 23-11-2006 19:58
Paul Fisher wrote:
I'm so pleased to read some really thoughful opinions being expressed in this thread. My opinion is close to yours Pip and Lisa, but would love to hear any other viewpoints.

Very proud of our little community right now!!

I enjoy this corner of the forum/community too, and would also like to hear more views about matters and images like this.

I feel that a lot of art is created in order to provoke thoughts and reactions in it's audience. From pious contemplation in the religious works of the old masters, to the modern political messages in a Banksy wall-graffiti piece. Art that offends, deliberately or not, should be contemplated on an artistic basis; examine why an image is offensive to you as a person, or how it crosses some boundary in society, or even think about what it means to be offended. Such an approach would yield a better experience when offended by art rather than calling for censorship.

In an earlier thread a nazi swastika was nominated for deletion. I had written a knee-jerk reply in reaction to the image and had almost hit the 'post' button when I re-read my message. I found that my rant about the promotion of bigotry and nazi-ism had led me down a path into advocating censorship. I then found my own message just as offensive as the image in question and decided not to post it. I thought about why it had caused offence; it was because I had reacted more to the idea of the artist being a nazi than to the image/symbol itself, when I really knew nothing of the artist or his/her motives at all.
I concluded that I was glad to have been offended by the swastika as it is as much of a reminder of our worlds history, and learned lessons, as Remembrance Sunday (which was about the same time, I think), and that it probably does more to reinforce anti-nazi feelings in people than it does to promote nazi-ism.

Diana Barthauer wrote:
Point proven. I have to say I agree with you guys now. I was more of an annoyed reaction as I generally know those kind of pictures from 14 year old boys who crack up in class time about it <.<
But I agree, this seems to be a wholly different case.

smiley I have had my mind changed about a few things too since being part of the OMM. Mostly about art, but also about human-nature and have been inspired by the altruistic motives behind the project and the people involved

Also, sorry for the long, boring post smiley Pip.

Edited by P H on 30-11-2006 15:27
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AuthorRE: Obscene?
Lisa Stevens
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Posts: 62
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Posted on 24-11-2006 19:38
Diana Barthauer wrote:
Point proven. I have to say I agree with you guys now. I was more of an annoyed reaction as I generally know those kind of pictures from 14 year old boys who crack up in class time about it <.<
But I agree, this seems to be a wholly different case.

smiley Sorry about the rant Diana....I didn't even realise how strongly I felt about the matter until I saw you post. It's quite healthy to be riled once in a whilesmiley I'm sure there will be someone who will feel just as strongly about my terrible spelling and grammer! lol

The thing about this project is that it is open to all, whether artistic or not and some people, whether artistic or not like to shock.....or they could be just a bit juvinile, whichever the case is, I think it's a fun project and if we get too bogged down in censorship then ti will take all of the fun away. It could also discourage new people to join.

Ps I've enjoyed your long boring posts Pip!

Cheers, Lisa
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AuthorRE: Obscene?
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Posted on 07-12-2006 18:43
I have PM'd the artist with an invitation to join this discussion.
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AuthorRE: Obscene?
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Posted on 11-12-2006 18:06
The following is a reply to a PM i sent to Ashley Padget, the artist of the image being discussed here. Ashley currently has problems accessing the forum to post a response but gave me permission to post this from the message.

Ashley Padget wrote:
I was aiming to show the decreasing pride in masculinity - the metrosexual man is becoming the norm now in society), whilst at the same time commenting on the increase of sexually transmitted diseases amongst heterosexual men, shown by the boil, it's important to realise that STD's are not something which "is a gay mans disease" this is an all too common concept in our modern society.

I'm very glad it has sparked controversy and discussion, after all if art is to keep evolving and displaying peoples emotions surely the boundaries must be pushed to the very limits.

Thank you for your time.
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AuthorRE: Obscene?
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Posted on 12-12-2006 10:18
Jessica Mcchristie wrote:
when i click on the link, it just takes me to the big picture. did it get deleated?

Strange. The image is still part of the big picture, but displays as 'This image is empty' when you double click the sqaure to get the profile details.
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AuthorRE: Obscene?
Super Administrator

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Joined: 05.12.06

Posted on 24-12-2006 09:34
I was just wondering about this pic as well. Anything come of this?
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