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The One Million Masterpiece | Help using the website | Private Settings and PMs

AuthorPrivate Settings and PMs
Sarah Edwards
Super Administrator

Posts: 161
Joined: 03.01.07

Posted on 20-08-2008 15:20
I have never really used the PM feature before (having only turned 16 this year and just never having needed it since) but I am now having trouble using it.

First of all, the only link I can find to send PMs is underneath a post on the forums, when I am sure there must be another one on people's profiles, and can also not find a link to my own inbox. I am pretty sure this is just blindness on my part.

The second problem I have is that after sending a PM to someone (this all works fine, I know they have received them) there is a link to see my own messages but whenever I click it I get the message that I am already logged in. I browsed the forums and saw that many people got the same message, so I logged out then in again like the advice said but this still happens.

The third problem I then faced was, given that I had no way to access my messages on the website, I wanted to receive them through email. However, I noticed on my private settings I had "I do not wish to receive messages from other users direct to my email." I tried to change this, but whenever I click save it takes me back to the page without changing my settings, yet different boxes are checked.

So, my questions are 1) Where are the links to sending PMs and looking at my own messages? 2) How can I get the link to my messages after sending one to work? and 3) How can I change my private settings?
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AuthorRE: Private Settings and PMs
Stacey Dirickson
Super Administrator

Posts: 137
Joined: 23.01.07

Posted on 20-08-2008 20:26
Ohh so that's why you didn't get my message lol
I have had the same problems as you with clicking to view a message and it sending me to the page that says I am already logged in...wonder whats up with that. :/

To send a PM to someone other than using the box underneath a post, go to their profile and there is a link that says "Send message to artist" its located underneath their painting, took me a while to find it too lol

To look at your messages, there is a link in the upper right corner of the page underneath where it says "Logged in as....." It should be right between "view profile" and "send invitations"

I don't know about question 2, hopefully someone else does. lol

And for changing your private settings, you are doing it right because that's how I changed mine, maybe its just a glitch?

( Ohh and what I was messaging you about, I will just post in the admin forum. smiley )
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AuthorRE: Private Settings and PMs
Sarah Edwards
Super Administrator

Posts: 161
Joined: 03.01.07

Posted on 20-08-2008 23:29
Yep, I got your comment and then I realised that actually, I had no idea where my inbox was or how to read my messages...

Strangely enough, there is nothing between view profile and send invitations underneath my name, and I still can't find the link under the painting, is it supposed to be in the white box?

Hmm, it seems like my whole messaging thing is one big glitch... I will post it in the bugs forum.

Thanks for all your help, I shall check the admin forum!

Edited by Sarah Edwards on 20-08-2008 23:32
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AuthorRE: Private Settings and PMs
Stacey Dirickson
Super Administrator

Posts: 137
Joined: 23.01.07

Posted on 21-08-2008 05:26
Yeah, for me its in the white box under "Add to Facebook Profile".... hmm that's odd. :/
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