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The One Million Masterpiece | Help using the website | tips on how to make it work faster

Authortips on how to make it work faster
Robin Chen

Posts: 8
Joined: 22.07.06

Posted on 22-07-2006 06:35
right now when I draw the application runs dreadfully slow in my browser. When I try to draw a curved line there's a bit of lag and then the line comes out straight and I have to undo. Is there any way I can improve the performance of the program (besides like buying a computer with a faster processor or whatever)? I've already closed all superfluous applications.
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AuthorRE: tips on how to make it work faster
Robin Chen

Posts: 8
Joined: 22.07.06

Posted on 22-07-2006 06:39
Hey, the program records the progress of your drawing, right? So maybe if someone wants to make a super complicated drawing you can include an option to disable this feature so it doesn't slow down the drawing process.. if that is what is making it slower.
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AuthorRE: tips on how to make it work faster
Paul Fisher
Super Administrator

Posts: 277
Joined: 25.06.06

Posted on 22-07-2006 19:37
Hi Robin,

It's tricky balancing the need for a comprehensive paint program, but trying to maintain good usability for older machines and slower internet connections.

Can you let me know what type of connection you have, what type of processor you have (if known) and what browser you are using? Also, do you have Flash Player 8 installed? If you can let me know as much as possible I promise I'll look into it for you!

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AuthorRE: tips on how to make it work faster
Robin Chen

Posts: 8
Joined: 22.07.06

Posted on 22-07-2006 20:14
I have a pentium 4 processor, I'm connected through a cable modem and LAN, and I'm using firefox.. I'm pretty sure I have flash player 8 installed.
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AuthorRE: tips on how to make it work faster
Pierce Lynch
Super Administrator

Posts: 13
Joined: 26.06.06

Posted on 23-07-2006 23:27

Does the whole site run slow or just the image drawing tool?

What about when you attempt to 'view picture' - do the images take a period of time to fully load and display?
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AuthorRE: tips on how to make it work faster
Saghir Khawaja

Posts: 1
Joined: 22.07.06

Posted on 24-07-2006 03:00

Hi. I'm suffering from exactly the same problem. It only slows down when in picture edit mode - other parts of the site run pretty smoothly.
I would greatly appreciate some help too.
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AuthorRE: patience is a virtue . . .
J West
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Joined: 17.07.06

Posted on 24-07-2006 08:52
or a luxury?

I have found the same problems aired here - and realised that you have to be extra patient whilst editing the pic. It is better on the work machine with the added broadband, as opposed to normal dial up at home. But also, believe it also depends on the complexity of your image. The more there is to it, the more it seems to slow down and be unpredictable, regardless where you thought you had drawn.

I think if you can learn to add lines slowly with small precise strokes, then the straight non-predicted lines (that you have no real control over) reduces.

Sorry not the greatest tip I know, but not being a very patient person myself, it does actually work to an extent, and teaches me a virtue at the same time. Woohoo.


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AuthorRE: tips on how to make it work faster
Paul Fisher
Super Administrator

Posts: 277
Joined: 25.06.06

Posted on 24-07-2006 08:56
It seems to be quite a complicated issue that involves complexity of picture, free resources on local machine and bandwidth.

This has become a top priority for us and we'll be looking in to it this week to see if we can find a resolution.
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AuthorRE: tips on how to make it work faster
Emma Duncan

Posts: 42
Joined: 16.07.06

Posted on 24-07-2006 20:00
You can right click and zoom in on your picture while you edit it. I sometimes find that helps a little if you want to add detail, but it probably makes it run slower.

I would add to your list Paul that all the hot weather is making our computers run slower since they are heating up quicker... I think they are trying to tell us to go outside and enjoy the sunshine. smiley
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AuthorRE: tips on how to make it work faster
Jody Ricci

Posts: 5
Joined: 21.07.06

Posted on 02-08-2006 14:44
Oh, I can zoom in? Geez I was thinking it would be handy to zoom, glad I read this. Mine runs slow too and I'm on super high speed with a 30gig processor so can't be the system? Got flash 8 too. It was working quite fast at the beginning stages of the image but slowed down as the image got more complex so maybe that is part of the problem?
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AuthorRE: tips on how to make it work faster
Robin Chen

Posts: 8
Joined: 22.07.06

Posted on 03-08-2006 00:20
Saghir Khawaja wrote:

Hi. I'm suffering from exactly the same problem. It only slows down when in picture edit mode - other parts of the site run pretty smoothly.
I would greatly appreciate some help too.

same for me, and thanks for the tip about zooming in smiley
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AuthorRE: tips on how to make it work faster
Lindy Ashford

Posts: 7
Joined: 14.07.06

Posted on 09-08-2006 21:25
I think this happens more when there are many layers, it's having to do more work. Something that does help is to just leave it and come back later! If your image is very complex then it helps to just add a little at a time. Probably to do with it being a web based tool, it's not photoshop, just a small app, but it is amazing what you can do with it - and maybe its the price we are paying for those lovely layers and the cool redraw which is so fascinating when we play back other people images... I kind of liked the challenge of using a barebones tool and stretching it to the limit. Would be interested to know whether there is a limit to the data each square uses - it seems a little odd that sometimes you can add something and it does not always save it...

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AuthorRE: tips on how to make it work faster
Paul Fisher
Super Administrator

Posts: 277
Joined: 25.06.06

Posted on 21-08-2006 12:11
Hey guys, can you guys with complex images let me know if the recent upgrade has improved the situation?


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AuthorRE: tips on how to make it work faster
Timo Jääskeläinen

Posts: 4
Joined: 06.01.07

Posted on 07-01-2007 19:41
The update doesn't seem so recent anymore, but I just wanna tell that on my hi end computer with no programs running, fiber optic connection (1gb/s) and latest firefox/flash installed, the drawing became really really tricky at the end.
Must be because I drew things over and over and the image just became really heavy... Dunno

Edited by Timo Jääskeläinen on 07-01-2007 19:41
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