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AuthorWho Is She

Posts: 3
Joined: 25.09.07

Posted on 29-09-2007 08:20
Who Is She, that is the title for the picture I drew. Actually she is a friend, who is very talented on writing and singing songs, who shares 7 hours time difference with me, between England and China, the place where I am.
I haven't been about to draw anything seriously for a long time, let alone to draw on a computer.I still need to know how to use Photoshop well. I used to enjoy painting alot when I was really small but never been trained formally in any way. As growing up, my way changed further from art and seems I lost my patience on doing it as well. 1 month ago, after a long painful waiting I found a job in marketing department in a design company. For curiosity, I borrowed the Wacom tablet which I never used before from a designer, and started to practice it since last week. A friend introduced me this website and i found it is amazing. Many works impressed me in many ways.
So why her? She is a loyalful christian with a sincere heart. But the God seems still want to test her in some ways. During the 5 years (or more) since I met her online for the first time, many things changed. Especially recently, she is in the rather same trouble as I am in. That hurts. So when she asked me to make a portrait for her I said I'd like to. In fact I did another one for her before this one on another website. I didn't think that was the best I can do and told her I can do a better one. It spent 4 hours or more, and I found myself some peaceful time that seems I lost for ages. Though with flaws in many ways, I am satisfied with it enough. I showed her this picture yesterday, and she was so excited. And I am so happy that she likes it.
who is she? she is Karla, a remote friend. Thank you, Karla.smiley
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