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| Comments & discussion:![]() Mon 5th Nov, 2007 OK guys, i'm getting scared. Light sources and changing season, landscapes and an open faced home. I only know how to do circles with eyes!!! If I end up messing up the overall picture then feel free to boot me out! I'm gripped with fear and wondering what the final idea will be - hurry and put me out of my misery please! Laura x ![]() Mon 5th Nov, 2007 Haha, Jeanne! That's a pretty brilliant idea actually :D I'm working (already, yeah, 6:30am here) at the moment and stopped by to check, but this evening I'll add your idea to the bulletin :D I love it when dreams provide inspiration :) Hehe! Any more ideas are welcome today doods - just post here and I'll be sure to add them after work! Hugs and snuggles to my co-conspira-collabers :D Haha - Gracie ![]() Mon 5th Nov, 2007 Gracie...Idreamt last night about an attic and when I woke up this morning I thought that perhaps we might even consider an attic scene with each square having some nostalgic items from their attics....I also thought perhaps a many roomed open faced home...Peace...:D Jeanne ![]() Sun 4th Nov, 2007 Hey guys! I've been prepping landscape and tree photographs with the tiles and trying to find some great ones that are interesting in every corner of the painting - been successful with a few. We also have shanna's idea (check her bulletin for more info, it's here: ) that is starting to gather some additional ideas; if people want to start sketching or throwing out more concrete visual images feel free to post them and link so everyone can check them out :D I'll be gathering images and sketches and I'll try to post all of my stuff by wednesday. Also I'm not sure if everyone caught this but I created a grid for the squares already to make this process a bit easier, you can download it here: I have both a photoshop version and a transparent .gif so yeah :D Just keep in mind our shape; we have 3 more people that need to be moved but there are 3 missing squares still to make a full square... if you know anyone who wants to join a bit late; they are welcome :D Would be great if we had a perfect square to work on! Jac - I like that idea too; I'm coming up with some sketches or photo references for each of the landscape ideas to give you guys some more concrete ideas by mid-week... Michelle... I'm not sure how that would work? Let me know more about what you mean or maybe doodle something so we can see :D Hahaha, hey Shub, great to see you in our neighborhood now :D I feel safe too! It's a great little block of love we've got goin on. :D ![]() Sun 4th Nov, 2007 hmmm... wow! this is all getting so exciting!! Hmm...I like all the ideas! but a landscape with a lightsource sounds kindof cool> And we've all moved together!! Awww:D I feel special and safe now. See us soon Shub ![]() Sun 4th Nov, 2007 I was just thinking about the flag idea i came up with ....and i thought maybe we could put a piece of all the ideas within the could have a landscape and all the above blending in :) ![]() Sun 4th Nov, 2007 Actually, I Iike the seasonal tree. Common edges but enough scope to add a few personal quirky bits in too ;D ![]() Sun 4th Nov, 2007 Hey cassie :D Don't worry about it if you want to try something else; maybe wait to cast your vote? Let me know if you have any ideas too... you seem uncertain :D Anyhow let me know - we could all choose to do something else later down the line. And by the way - if someone comes up with a good idea later and you've already voted and want to change your vote, just let me know. Cheers! Gracie ![]() Sun 4th Nov, 2007 I guess I would go with landscape since that is where everyone else is :P ![]() Sun 4th Nov, 2007 Hey everyone! Shanna came up with a cool idea - check out her latest bulletin! I really love it... if anyone has any other ideas they want to put down on paper let me know. I'm coming up with a few ideas of my own. I also came up with a grid layout people can use... here's the link if anyone wants to use it! Just copy and paste that address to your browser; choose save when the box comes up. It's a .zip file so you'll need an unpacker such as winzip to extract the package. If anyone has any questions let me know. ![]() Sun 4th Nov, 2007 While ive been procrastinating my 5 billion assignments i got a cool picture in my head, i did a little stetch and put it on my bulletin. ![]() Sun 4th Nov, 2007 Gracie, Are you going to see if you can get another 3 people so that it is a 6 x 6 shape or will waiting for 3 more volunteers cause too much of a delay? Off for some zzzzz's now as it's 1:00am. Cheers Mark ![]() Sun 4th Nov, 2007 Hey Beverly - you can wait until nearer to the end of the week if you're not sure :D Feel free to PM me with any questions :D Hey Shanna - we could definately construct an image beforehand if it's something concrete, and then give each person a tile to work on in the grid. But if it's something more individualized and free flowing like the portraits or the ribbon collab, it would be mostly up to the direct neighbors how they plan to collab and the final result will be much more individual, but still with some sort of theme. I think either way we choose would be a nice symbol of community and how we are collabing together to produce a larger image. :D I hope that makes sense! Dan - thanks alot, I think this will be fun to work on, guys... you all are really getting into this and coming up with some great ideas XD ![]() Sun 4th Nov, 2007 I like the landscape idea, especially having landmarks from different places all over the world, even if some were distant shapes on the hoizon, and some up closer. Im a bit confused though, with the collab are you doing up an overall sketch type thing and were given like a square in the grid? Cause i dont get how this would work with some of the ideas like the familty portriats. I also think landscape cause that way it will allow the artisitc styles to stand out next to eachother. You must log-in to vote or post a comment |