My About Cassie JahnI'm Cassie Jahn. I am 16. I graduated high school in 2007 and am now in my first year of college. I 'm majoring in Early Childhood Education and minoring in Art. I love to do artistic things and own an art business called Drowning Arts ( Drowning Arts sponsors a group called Project Display which you should check out and maybe join ( Go take a look. My best friends are: Katie, Carmen, Heather, Lyndsi, and Laura. I am who I am, i dont fake things, I do what i want to do and dress how I want to dress. Thats about it...Contact InformationEmail: art@drowning-arts.comMore about Cassie JahnOccupation: Youth Outreach Specialist and Nursery LeaderInterests and Hobbies: I play the cello, guitar, and electric bass. I love to draw, paint, play music, and listen to music. I also love my jobs. I babysit and work at a church with kids always and love it! Artists: Edgar Degas, Monet, M.C. Escher, Georges Suerat, Vincent Van Gogh, Pierre Auguste Renoir, Paul Cezanne, Michelangelo, and my dad... :P Music: I love all sorts of music. Movies: Well Lion King is probably the best movie ever, that's my favorite cartoon movie anyways. And my favorite normal movie is caught between Green Street Hooligans and Saint Ralph...Cause they are both amazing. Aristocats is also good and Juno is probably my new favorite! Books and Writers: Stephanie Meyer's book series for Twilight and Paulo Coehlo's The Alchemist is probably the best serious book ever!!!!!! Personal Quote: Artists can colour the sky red, because they know it's blue. Those of who aren't artists must colour things the way they really are or people might think we are stupid. - Jules Feiffer My favourite pictures
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