Million Masterpiece
The One Million Masterpiece global arts project 32,731 artists
174 countries

How and why.

So what's this all about?

How can you create a true snapshot of our global society, and sum up its diversity in one single picture? Simple. Get together one million ordinary people from all around the world, and get them to work on the picture together in the world's largest ever artistic collaboration. A collaboration where everyone is equal, where all outcomes are valid.

Sounds like chaos?

Well, yes. Nobody knows what will happen when one million people create a single work of art because nothing like it has ever been tried. Will the result be a crazy patchwork of individual images? Will some larger picture emerge from the chaos? Let's find out!

So how does it work?

We are asking you to draw a small square image using software on our website. You don't need to be an artist or be able to draw - you can make patterns, write words, doodle - what-ever you want. Your image will be one of one million images that will make up the entire picture - The One Million Masterpiece.

You can choose to make your picture fit in with the surrounding pieces, or make it stand out, by using a preview feature that shows your image with the context of your neighbours. You can change your image at any time if you don't feel happy with it, and you can exchange messages with your fellow artists using our community pages.

Why should I get involved?

There are so many reasons!

Firstly, you will be part of something that really matters. This picture is trying to capture a snapshot of the society in which you live, and who is better qualified to make a statement about your world that you?

Secondly, you will be a published artist. Your image will be printed and displayed in some of the most prestigious art galleries in the world. You will also be a world record holder, having taken part in the largest artistic collaboration of all time.

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