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Title | fire | |
Description | It's fire. 10 min draw time. |
Tags | fire kevin moy draw |
Artist | Kevin Moi (honolulu, US) Visualizar perfil |
Picture ID | 9110 |
Created | Thu 7th Dec, 2006 |
Title | I can't draw to save my life...But never mind!!! | |
Description | lol - i really can't draw!!! how come every1 else is so good?????????? |
Artist | Sian Butler (Lancashire, GB) Visualizar perfil |
Picture ID | 29617 |
Created | Tue 29th Jan, 2008 |
Title | It's how I draw | |
Description | A quick peek in a form of x-ray at how I draw a person in line art, from the skeleton to the details fleshed out. |
Artist | Francois Belair (Sarnia, CA) Visualizar perfil |
Picture ID | 15961 |
Created | Thu 18th Jan, 2007 |
Title | I can't draw a Polar Bear | |
Description | Wanted to draw a Picture of me, as Polar Bear, on North Pole April 2006 running my 100th Marathon, but could not LOL. |
Artist | Osy . (London, GB) Visualizar perfil |
Picture ID | 395 |
Created | Wed 23rd Aug, 2006 |
Title | Snow Leopard | |
Description | As someone who tends to draw animals mroe than anything else I'm not sure why I've not done one yet. |
Tags | snow leopard mountains wildlife cat ice |
Artist | Alex Holt (Kettering, GB) Visualizar perfil |
Picture ID | 25441 |
Created | Tue 26th Jun, 2007 |
Title | Charging Lion | |
Description | In Progress...
found this picture and had to draw it! |
Tags | lion wildlife |
Artist | Laura Schrampfer (Appleton, US) Visualizar perfil |
Picture ID | 30008 |
Created | Mon 25th Feb, 2008 |
Title | One Perfect Sunrise/Eye | |
Description | Faerie on a mushroom. It's a crappy drawing. It's hard to draw without pressure sensitivity, on a laggy website. :x Then I decided I wanted to draw a big eye. :3 |
Artist | Mandi Flick (SF Bay Area, US) Visualizar perfil |
Picture ID | 16101 |
Created | Thu 18th Jan, 2007 |
Title | Here I draw | |
Description | SWOOOOOOSH of Inspiration |
Artist | Pascal Funder (ADDIS ABEBA, ET) Visualizar perfil |
Picture ID | 11850 |
Created | Fri 15th Dec, 2006 |
Title | world's smallest artistic collaboration | |
Description | seriously, anyone can draw on this, just look in my about
and i'll sometimes add something on it :) |
Tags | sparkles love samuel tovmasian worlds smallest artistic collaberation LOL |
Artist | Samuel Tovmasian (fjokrdog, US) Visualizar perfil |
Picture ID | 13969 |
Created | Mon 8th Jan, 2007 |
Title | I can't draw!! | |
Description | no idea - its RUBBISH!!! |
Artist | Lian Coulbert (Whiteley, GB) Visualizar perfil |
Picture ID | 20810 |
Created | Fri 9th Feb, 2007 |
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