first ever. never eaten paint like this before. but this is pretty self explainatory.
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Comments on this artwork:
andalicesays Sat 1st Mar, 2008 i like. particularly the background, although i'm not sure what it is. It looks like a wall of water or something.
George B Tue 25th Dec, 2007 Hey, Ross! Awesome painting! Actually looks like its been painted in real paints!
Evan Baron Fri 21st Dec, 2007 really cool idea, let me act intelectual, i think the being in the middle represents your inner idea of what should go in the middle of your portrait, its dark which means you like using dark colors to portray something dark..... its in the middle which means its important, which means it is in the middle, which means its the center of attention, cus its in the center, cus its in the middle....
-evan lol ^-^