Million Masterpiece
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So What? Robin IsLoved

Doodle about a guy i like, and guys i USED to like
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Comments on this artwork:

Image 391195 Puppy Lover
Sun 6th May, 2007
I like ur playback!
Image 533541 Jason Knight
Sat 5th May, 2007
Nice job! -Jason
Image 443973 Angeli Arndt
Mon 19th Feb, 2007
hehe - very cute :D Nice animation!! :D
Image 445667 Kira Kohanamaru
Thu 1st Feb, 2007
Heh, cool.
Image 389604 Aunty Mor
Fri 26th Jan, 2007
I clicked!! there is a lot of love going on in this square. Watched them all.

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Image 18188So What? Robin IsLoved (default)
Last updated : Wed 24th Jan, 2007

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