Million Masterpiece
The One Million Masterpiece global arts project 32,731 artists
174 countries

Humanity's "greatest" achievement

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Comments on this artwork:

Image 533541 Jason Knight
Sun 1st Apr, 2007
This is a nice contribution to the project! -Jason
Image 461668 Anders Andersson
Mon 12th Feb, 2007
Itīs sad but truth and its a zoom of mine...
Image 488793 Mike Wallis
Thu 8th Feb, 2007
powerfull image nice pic, Ive included it in a youtube video of 50 views of the earth form OMM,more info at- Community, Project Direction, Earth Squares, you can see the film at
Image 424853 Louise Beddow
Wed 24th Jan, 2007
Very good, great message
Image 492063 Kelly O'Connell
Sun 14th Jan, 2007
thank you very much, i love the message behind yours. it's very true. :)

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My artwork gallery:

Image 14620Humanity's "greatest" achievement (default)
Last updated : Sat 13th Jan, 2007

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