Million Masterpiece
The One Million Masterpiece global arts project 32,731 artists
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Comments on this artwork:

Image 501682 Malgorzata Szweda
Wed 27th Jun, 2007
well. hi then.
Image 533541 Jason Knight
Sat 19th May, 2007
Great! -Jason
Image 442463 Soviet WarMachine
Sun 8th Apr, 2007
Do you exist if I do not notice you? Or are you one of those Idealists :P Great work.
Image 388021 Ronnie Ousby
Mon 12th Feb, 2007
I have noticed you! 5/5
Image 389604 Aunty Mor
Sat 10th Feb, 2007
Very clever Jan and I think from looking at your website you are in fact one very clever lady all round!
Image 443973 Angeli Arndt
Sun 17th Dec, 2006
Hi there!! What's a nice square like you doing on a site like this?
Image 488793 Mike Wallis
Sun 17th Dec, 2006
so do the space monkeys, please find a home for one in your pic n(see, discussion, project direction for details) mike
Image 488792 Laura Dixon
Mon 11th Dec, 2006
I exist too....over here, its me. Yoo Hoo....
Image 429613 Jeran Moore
Sun 26th Nov, 2006
your existence is acknowledged.
Image 437612 Campsoup1988 Campsoup1988
Tue 17th Oct, 2006
Image 530386 Elissa Lynn Belenke
Fri 13th Oct, 2006
I like this one.

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Last updated : Tue 3rd Oct, 2006

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