Aunty Mor Wed 17th Dec, 2008 ALL CHANGE AGAIN SEAN!!!!!!!
Mark Watkinson Mon 24th Nov, 2008 Hi Sean,
Just a quick message to see if you have time to add to the fireworks big collab so we can get it completed. Also do you have any suggestions for the next picture that we tackle in the big collab? If you have any ideas add them on the community forum.
Best wishes
Aunty Mor Tue 11th Nov, 2008 UPDATE!!!!!
Nice to know you still want to play Sean.
We are drawing fireworks now. Can you join on? No picture to follow just draw whatever you like as long as it looks like a firework:)
Hopefully I can get us all moved to one area soon.
Jordan Sy To Panagsagan Tue 29th Apr, 2008 cool! wish i could be on that swing! just dropping by to my favorite neighbourhood in TOMM!
Emi Christodoulou Mon 28th Apr, 2008 YAY! balloon strings =]
is the ninja in the bottom corner?
i like the simplicity, and the sweetness.
Jo Vickers Sun 27th Apr, 2008 Great square, Sean. I love the swing and that's one tiny ninja =)