Katie Pipkin Mon 15th Jan, 2007 you are an exceptional artist. please expect my watching you for a very long time.
Zill Dee Mon 1st Jan, 2007 everyone what is a da gallery... and how do i get there..... well i think its cool anyway. :}
John E. Manglona Jr. Thu 28th Dec, 2006 Considering you're gallery, you could do better than that... really, but I'm giving you're rating on your DA page... cuz it's frick'n amazing.
Angeli Arndt Wed 27th Dec, 2006 Dan is right. I thoroughly appreciated your DA gallery. The simplicity of this piece is pleasing - the color choices wonderfully sad.
Daniel Haracz Wed 27th Dec, 2006 Your work on deviantart is a revelation - in every sense. As for this picture, you convey such a world of emotion with your spare lines. And your sigil impacts me almost viscerally. Thanks for the infection.
Connie Leung Thu 7th Dec, 2006 Very nice! Love the shading...great style!
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My artwork gallery:
(None.) (default) Last updated : Thu 21st Sep, 2006