Peace in the world would be great. but, the odds are slim of it ever happening. so lets celebrate the people serving our country now instead of complaining about how awful it is. Thank you brave souls
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Comments on this artwork:
Jason Knight Thu 26th Apr, 2007 Just stopping by to say hello! -Jason
Mike Wallis Thu 8th Feb, 2007 nice pic, Ive included it in a youtube video of 50 views of the earth form OMM,more info at- Community, Project Direction, Earth Squares, you can see the film at
Angeli Arndt Mon 29th Jan, 2007 I love your message of peace, I only wish those brave souls were bringing it about. Don't give up on peace, and always question what people tell you (because many times, when you get right down to it, it doesn't make sense). Most important of all, remember that we're not the only country.