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Celebrating Diversity

Sat 28th Jul, 2007
Art news

Diversity is strength. This phase is very well known. Some people endorse this and some people still question it. With due respect to everyone's opinion there is no point on questioning it because no one would have liked a bland world which had everything similar. There would not have collobrations and there for no room for improvement.

OMM is practically proving this point. Many small squares like everyone of us. Our power and influence might be really small as individuals but the imagination, creativity and messages are reaching the pinnacles. So many people with diverse culture, conditions and backgrounds collectively making a large piece of art which will not only break the record of unity but also inspire so many other souls.

We collectively can change the world with our ideas, thoughts, messages through the divine medium of Art which can be understood by everyone, no matter how diverse they are as a group.

We all are bringing spices with us but they should benefit the body - the whole mankind. Each square should be a learning, a positive and beautiful experience.

Respecting each other while making this world as better place, congratulate yourselves for the work you have done through OMM. Also feel proud of your squares, endorse goodness and be responsible with those pieces.


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