Million Masterpiece
The One Million Masterpiece global arts project 32,731 artists
174 countries

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Project news

Image 500000 Save the mural !!!
Project news Fri 7th Sep, 2007 3 comments
Back in May, Jeran Moore painted an OMM mural on the wall of his school in Crofton, USA. His inspiration was Qian Zhao’s magnificent mountain top building – one of the all-time most popular OMM contributions. Sadly, Jeran has reported that today ...

Image 500000 Wanted : Experienced deviantArt members
Project news Fri 14th Sep, 2007 1 comments
The OMM project has always enjoyed a close relationship with deviantArt. The world’s largest arts community and the world’s largest artistic collaboration have a unique bond, not least because such a massive proportion of our members are deviant arti...

Image 500000 Foundmyself joins OMM alliance
Project news Wed 17th Oct, 2007 1 comments
We'd like to welcome Foundmyself as the latest website to join the alliance of online arts communities that support the One Million Masterpiece project. Foundmyself was established in 2003 to help artists sell their original artwork online. The p...

Image 500000 Where are you from?
Project news Fri 1st Dec, 2006 35 comments

Image 500000 Preparing for a World Record
Project news Tue 30th Jan, 2007 18 comments
You might have noticed that the member tally at the top of the site has ground to a halt in the last 24 hours. As we approach the magic number of 25,297 artists (the current World Record) we are busy validating our database to make sure that we can ...

Image 500000 Get a free membership upgrade
Project news Fri 15th Jun, 2007 18 comments
There are three ways that you can become eligible for an account upgrade without having to make a donation to the project and its partner charities. 1) Refer your friends By sending out invitations and ecards to your friends, or posting banners...

Image 500000 First poster snapshot - get your image ready
Project news Thu 4th Jan, 2007 15 comments
We're taking the first high resolution snapshot of the growing OMM on Monday 8th January at 12:00 GMT. This snapshot will be used in promotional marketing and to produce several large posters that will be able from the site. Although each image w...

Image 500000 New website platform launched
Project news Mon 25th Jun, 2007 8 comments
Hooray! After four months of feedback, discussion and planning the new version of the OMM platform has been released. While you’re free to investigate the website yourself we thought we’d point out some of the basics: 1) New membership structure...

Image 500000 Australian Update
Project news Mon 2nd Oct, 2006 6 comments
Our official Australian representative Alicia has been busy. She's made up a couple of poster / flyers to use at art fairs and to post up in internet cafes. Feel free to download and use. B/W Poster 1 B/W Poster 2 She's also been busy gett...

Image 500000 What does Full Membership mean?
Project news Thu 26th Oct, 2006 6 comments
While it is free to join the One Million Masterpiece, you will need to make a very small donation to one of our partner charities to enjoy full membership. So what do full members get? Firstly, full members are guaranteed to be included in the ...

Image 500000 Numbercrunching : An update on some key figures
Project news Wed 3rd Jan, 2007 6 comments
Today we've hit some numbers worth celebrating, so let's break them down. Firstly, we've just served the one millionth page of this website. To date, 168,000 unique visitors have looked at 1,000,000 pages on the OMM website. The 15,600 images cu...

Image 500000 The first image to receive 100 comments
Project news Fri 8th Dec, 2006 4 comments
Congratulations to Heather Boland for being the first member to receive 100 comments. Despite the hundreds of pictures of eyes staring out at us from within the Masterpiece (see Pip's news post The eye's have it) the picture of Heather's eye has c...

Image 500000 Reporting inappropriate content
Project news Tue 13th Feb, 2007 4 comments
Now that there are over 20,000 images making up the OMM it is more important than ever that members report inappropriate content. We are currently in the process of removing many of the blank squares deep within the big picture and it is therefore h...

Image 500000 Bulgaria and Israel sign-up now possible
Project news Fri 21st Jul, 2006 3 comments
Big sorry to the people of Bulgaria and Israel who have been trying to register. There's been some great web coverage in both areas which has sent you registering in droves, only to find that the donation gateway has been blocked. We've sorted ou...

Image 500000 Top 30 countries
Project news Thu 5th Oct, 2006 3 comments
A breakdown of the top 30 contributing countries so far... 1389 32.7% US 1129 26.6% UK 318 7.5% Canada 200 4.7% Australia 69 1.6% Germany 48 1.1% Mexico 46 1.1% New Zealand ...

Image 500000 A thank-you from OMM to deviantArt
Project news Mon 9th Jul, 2007 3 comments the single largest contributor to the project, the deviantArt community deserve a special thank-you. Over 18,000 deviantArt members have taken part in the project, helping to raise many thousands of pounds for global causes and becoming world r...

Image 500000 Let's work together
Project news Thu 21st Sep, 2006 2 comments
There are some really nice examples of collaboration cropping up on the site, and it's interesting to see the different ways that we can work together. Take Mark for example (centre picture), who has chosen to mix small elements of his neighbour...

Image 500000 The eye's have it
Project news Tue 26th Sep, 2006 2 comments
Look at this eye catching montage posted by Pip in the forums Eye love the way you can compare the different drawing styles when looking at a single subject. Eye watering stuff. OK OK eye'll stop now... ...

Image 500000 Join the OMM link and editorial team!
Project news Wed 15th Nov, 2006 2 comments
Do you have a spare 10 minutes a week that you could dedicate to helping out at the One Million Masterpiece? We're looking for a crack team of web users to help us generate and record important inbound links to the website. OK, maybe not a crack ...

Image 500000 You're a World Record Breaker!
Project news Tue 10th Jul, 2007 2 comments
The One Million Masterpiece has officially taken the world record for the most artists creating a single artwork, meaning that it has officially become the world's largest artistic collaboration. The previous record was set in Brenham, Texas, wher...

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