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Foundmyself joins OMM alliance

Wed 17th Oct, 2007
Project news

FoundmyselfWe'd like to welcome Foundmyself as the latest website to join the alliance of online arts communities that support the One Million Masterpiece project.

Foundmyself was established in 2003 to help artists sell their original artwork online. The patter sounds familiar, until you read the community small print. As far as we can tell, Foundmyself is the only arts community that works on an honour system, meaning that all services are completely free unless you choose to contribute.

What's that you say? Free? Perhaps we should let site creator Trevor Hunt explain it just to make sure we’re clear: "Artists need a clean, fair, all-in-one internet solution. We want to help every artist realize his potential and make sales. We trust that if the artist finds the site useful, they’ll give back to keep it running".

OK, so artists receive one gigabyte of gallery space to post their art. They can sell work through Paypal and, after Paypal fees, can keep 100% of their sales if they choose not to give anything back. Your "honor level" is publicly displayed in your profile, showing how much you’ve given back to the community. Honour is gained through making donations and by interacting in the community through forums and comments.

Foundmyself are keen for their members to become part of the OMM project and will be promoting us through their newsletter and via on-site links. Let's hope we see many foundmyself members making there way over to us and showing the community what they can do!

Comments & Discussion

Fri 19th Oct, 2007
That's great news - every supporter we get helps us grow!

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