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Ready to swap in the Big Collab?

Wed 31st Oct, 2007

The Big CollabFor the past month Gracie Rafferty has been canvassing OMM members to join the Big Collab – a sub group of OMM members who want to collaborate by joining up their pictures.

Her idea has been based on the fact that the OMM is about to release a new image swap feature, that will add a whole new dimension of collaboration to the big picture. The basic premise of the system is that you can request to swap places with another member, who can either accept or decline the request. If they fail to decline within a given period the swap automatically takes place. It is hoped that the system will create a more fluid and vibrant collaborative environment within the project.

Initially only Donor and Supporter level members will be able to initiate a swap, however we expect to eventually open the system to all members.

As a beta trial, members of Gracie's Big Collab will be relocated into a group who will then be able to work together. All members of the Big Collab will be moved from their current location on the 2nd November.

Anyone is welcome to join this beta test and become a member of the Big Collab – simply comment on this post or join by leaving a comment on Gracie's latest bulletin post at

Have fun!

Comments & Discussion

Thu 1st Nov, 2007
Oooooo - surprise trip for all collaboratees . . . v exciting if one is lucky enough. What a fun project, within a fun project!!! ;D

Thu 1st Nov, 2007
Haha... Thanks for posting this Paul! I'm really excited about our project, should be really fun!

Fri 2nd Nov, 2007
The transfer has now been completed. Any late entrants can join - just post here to let Gracie know.

Fri 2nd Nov, 2007
Gracie/Paul, I WANT TO JOIN - AM I TOO LATE? Oh gosh, I feel bad, I like my current neighbours! I havent been here for ages so i dont really know what is happening. Can someone make this happen or do I need to do anything? From confused of Essex

Sat 1st Dec, 2007
very cool, i wanna join! is it too late?

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