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OMM competition for deviantArt members

Thu 20th Dec, 2007

Our deviantArt representative Alejandra Sánchez (Black-amethyst-Rose) has organised a great art competition on the Million Masterpiece dA profile.

If you fancy getting creative and bagging some prizes you need to be quick, the deadline for submissions is tomorrow.

Here are the details:

This contest is to make a drawing or any kind of illustration for ' The One Million Masterpiece' and at the same time give it a Christmas touch

1- There is no specific image size, the size and shape is Free Form.
2- It must contain any reference to The One Million Masterpiece.
3- It must have a Christmas theme.
4- It must be colored in and completed.
5- The illustrator's comments should be very detailed.

1- Maximum of 2 drawings per person will be accepted.
2- No sketches or Ink-only drawings will be accepted.
3- Similar/Almost identical drawings will automatically be disqualified.

Entry and Submission:
1- All DeviantArt members are welcome to join this contest.
2- To join you will have to watch our profile and submit a message to theOMM or Black-amethyst-Rose.
3- To submit your 'deviation' all you have to do is gather up all of the links in a note. We will upload them to the profile and we will put a link leading to the original, giving credit to its corresponding Author.

1- Works should be presented by December 21.
2- Deviations received after December 21 12pm will be disqualified
3- Winner will be announced on: December 24

First Place
- An upgrade on The One Million Masterpiece
- One Year subscription on DeviantArt
- Be our featured Deviation for one month
- One month featured on theOMM journal
- One month featured on the Black-amethyst-Rose journal
- A purse or a chibi food plushi by Kagomemiko247
- A draw of ani anime/manga style character you want by Black-amethyst-Rose:

Second Place
- Three months subscription on DeviantArt :new:
- One month featured on the theOMM journal
- One month Featured on the Black-amethyst-Rose journal
- A OMM 2008 Calendar
- A fully colored picture by Kagomemiko247

Third Place
- One month subscription on DeviantArt
- One month featured on theOMM journal
- One month Featured on the Black-amethyst-Rose journal
- A colored chibi by Kagomemiko247

Good luck

Comments & Discussion

Fri 21st Dec, 2007
Wow those are some amazing prizes. I wish I had found out about this sooner...stupid school... how sad, i would've entered! Well good luck, guys, this is an awesome contest!

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