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Spotlight: Jo Vickers

Wed 17th Dec, 2008
Spotlight : Artist interviews

Naturally, everyone has their favourites on the OMM. The pictures which make you say "wow" every time you see them; the pictures which make you click the "replay" button just to see the process in which certain amazing pieces of art are created.

Not only has Jo Vickers managed to make hundreds of people do that with her own pictures, she has also come up with a truly ingenuous way to give tribute to the squares which make up her own all time favourites.

Splitting up a big square into thirty-six smaller squares, she has managed to replicate her favourite squares with painstaking detail. Jo's tribute square, "Too Many Favourites," is also her favourite square in her gallery; purely because it was the square she most enjoyed doing. "There's so much variety on the site and it's been very interesting to try to recreate all the different styles in miniature," she says. "I've loved reading how pleased people have been to see their squares included too. I only have a few squares left to fill on it, and I'm struggling to choose!"

When asked why she thinks her contribution to the OMM project is so popular, after some thought, she modestly puts it down to not her artistic ability which is obviously considerable, but the time she spends on her squares. "People admire the dedication even if they've got better things to do with their own time!"

Joining after she stumbled upon the OMM after googling 'masterpieces', Jo "loved the idea of being part of such a large art project," and quickly became hooked on the OMM. She testifies to this saying, "I was looking for reference pictures for a miniature art gallery I was making. Finding this site slowed down the progress a fair bit!" "Everything about it just appealed to me... the community is so positive and reading all the lovely comments from people never fails to give me a boost."

Jo is not only a zealous participator in OMM, she also exercises her artistic talent outside of the OMM, doing art and craft in her spare time, making miniatures, greeting cards and paintings, sometimes taking commissions but also simply using her talent to brighten up her walls.

The OMM, she says, "inspired me to broaden my artistic horizons."
Drawing with a computer gave her the confidence to explore art and different mediums.
Originally Jo had only wanted to paint for a living but now she thinks she would find it "too reclusive" and wants to try a more expressive style, away from her customary meticulous and planned style of art. "I'd like to loosen up a bit!" she says.
Jo laughingly admits to being a "control freak" when it comes to her artwork.
She first starts by making the outlines of what she wants to portray as accurate as possible.
Throughout the whole process she makes use of the undo tool excessively, redoing all the things she considers imperfections. She admits: "It's obsessive but it works for me!"

What inspires this artist to create the works of art that are loved by so many in this community? Basically anything that catches her eye. Jo uses reference pictures; photos, paintings and patterns; anything that struck her as being something she "wanted to either recreate or develop into something else."

Jo sees OMM not only as a project raising money for a worthy cause but also as something that provides people with "something fun to do and somewhere to talk to people with similar interests." She believes OMM will keep going after the final image is taken. Her message to the OMM community is, "keep on drawing, inviting friends and keeping the community active, but don't forget the charitable aspect of the project. If you haven't already become a donor, do it now! Think of it as buying an extra Christmas present."

The OMM is a great mix of unique and interesting art being put to good use and Jo's recognition of this makes her work all the more valuable to the OMM community. Thank you Jo for your avid involvement in OMM and for bringing something truly remarkable to this community!

Sarah Edwards and Stacey Dirickson

Comments & Discussion

Wed 17th Dec, 2008
Even though I was warned, I'm still slightly stunned =D. I'll be grinning for the rest of the week! Thank you Sarah and Stacey, this really made my day!

Wed 31st Dec, 2008
Great work Jo, the teacup is my personal favourite! Thanks again Sarah and Stacey. I wonder who will be next...?

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