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2010 Drawing Competition - Take Part Today!

Thu 30th Sep, 2010

We would like to announce a new competition for artists at Million Masterpiece! This competition is open to anyone who is a member of (or wishes to join) Million Masterpiece and the result will be announced on January 1st, 2011. There are not many rules in this competition - we have summarised them below:

1) You can draw anything you like. There is no theme to this competition - so feel free to create anything.

2) The competition will be judged by a panel of artists at Million Masterpiece.

3) The prize is:

  • A free Supporter membership on Million Masterpiece.
  • The glory of winning! You will also have your drawing featured on the fabulous Million Masterpiece homepage, and a front-page news item featuring your work.

5) Only drawings created and completed between 30th September 2010 and 31st December 2010 inclusive are eligible.

4) To enter the competition, please create your drawing using our drawing tools. If you are not a member you can register here. Once you have completed your drawing (which can be your default or a gallery picture) you need to post a comment below to be officially included in the competition. Please state clearly which drawing(s) you wish to enter if you have more than one.

We look forward to seeing your amazing artwork soon!

To enter the competition, post a comment below!

Comments & Discussion

Thu 30th Sep, 2010
A nice day

Sun 3rd Oct, 2010

Tue 5th Oct, 2010
cool id love to enter a real drawing of mine xx

Tue 5th Oct, 2010
To enter the competition, please create your drawing using our drawing tools. vs To enter the competition, post a comment below! Which is it?

Wed 6th Oct, 2010
I'd like to enter the contest.

Wed 6th Oct, 2010
I'd love to enter as well!

Wed 6th Oct, 2010
yep! why not!

Thu 7th Oct, 2010
include me in! :)

Thu 7th Oct, 2010
well, it would be great :)

Thu 7th Oct, 2010
count me in

Thu 7th Oct, 2010
A good opportunity to bring the message of God's love.

Sun 10th Oct, 2010
Count me in also, I just started and completed a new image today. It is titled "This Way" and is in my gallery. Good luck everyone!

Sun 17th Oct, 2010
count me in too.

Tue 19th Oct, 2010
Count me in. :P

Thu 21st Oct, 2010
I'm in.

Thu 21st Oct, 2010
I'm in, The one I am entering is Title "Suikun".

Thu 4th Nov, 2010
o cool !

Sun 7th Nov, 2010
this is great!!!

Fri 19th Nov, 2010
fight breast cancer

Mon 6th Dec, 2010
me 2 .....

Tue 14th Dec, 2010
Oh yeee! I'm with you))))

Tue 14th Dec, 2010
Sounds good to me!

Thu 16th Dec, 2010
Yes!I'm in the competition.

Sat 25th Dec, 2010
Great to see so many entries!!! Keep em coming there are only a few days left :-)

Fri 31st Dec, 2010
looking up

Fri 31st Dec, 2010
entering my "looking up" work.

Sat 1st Jan, 2011
Thank you for all your entries! Everyone who commented here (plus some others who messaged me) have been entered into the competition. We are now judging the entries and selecting a winner. Watch this space for the result of the competition!

Fri 7th Jan, 2011
Congratulations to Suicune, winner of the 2010 Million Masterpiece drawing competition! Suicune's drawing 'Suikun' was chosen from more than 30 entries received. A big thanks to everybody who took part in the competition! Suicune wins a Supporter membership at MillionMasterpiece. Suicune's Profile and winning entry

Fri 29th Apr, 2011
Congratulations to the winner....good job..

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