My links About ToxxiMASSIV OXX SMOOV DOODLS N SHITE FOR YR OHN AMEWS MEANT! Believe it!¬Contact Informationaim: furious ToxxiMore about ToxxiOccupation: Slacker!Interests and Hobbies: The sound of my own voice and the smell of my own shit! Artists: Apart from the obvious salvador dahli - not much that I can remember! I know there's some...I want to say Seldon Hunt? But he's a bit of a hack really. Oh! OH! Who was the guy who did all that crazy psychedelic stuff on Wossy's Japanorama? Yeah! HIM! He kicked some A. Music: Sun City Girls everytime! Movies: The Big Lebowski Books and Writers: The Goblin Companion My favourite pictures | View location within masterpiece Share this image on Facebook Add picture to my favourites Report to a moderator Swap position with this member Latest comments on this artwork:
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