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Artist Name

Kathy Jeffords




United States




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About Kathy Jeffords

I'm KJ (the K is for Kathy and the J is for Jeffords). I paint pictures and write stories. I think chocolate is good, but chocolate with almonds is fan-flippin-tastic. I'm 5'10'', have brown hair, and am single, so if you have a cute brother who is looking for a 5'10'' brunette who paints pictures, writes stories, and prefers her chocolate nutty, please point him in this direction! (And tell him there's no need to bring flowers, but gift cards from arts & craft supply stores are really the way to my heart.) (And I'm just kidding...except for the parts about writing, painting, and chocolate.)

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More about Kathy Jeffords

Occupation: artist, craftista, writer
Interests and Hobbies: anything creative + spending time with my niece, the cutest two year old on the planet + reading good books + critters (especially dogs) + watching Guiding Light & just an eensy teensy weensy bit of reality television + a bunch of other stuff
Artists: Oh, now, that's like being Miss California in the Miss USA pageant and when someone asks you who should win, you say, "OH, my goodness, Miss Texas, for sure" when you're really thinking, "Uh, ME, duh". Actually, though, there are so many fantasically talented artists out there I lovelovelove, I could never pick just one or two or ten.
Music: A little bit of everything. And by everything, I mean, I've seen both Billy Ray Cyrus and Alanis and O-Town in concert (but this was not the same show, because BOY would that have been a bizarre one!)
Movies: I cannot remember the last movie I saw in a theatre, which is sad, because I love going to see movies in the theatre. I will turn the channel to Hitch, Serendipity, & Little Black Book just about anytime they come on television. And Cellular, too, just because, my goodness, that Chris Evans. So I guess romantic comedies.
Books and Writers: My all-time favorite book is Practical Magic by Alice Hoffman, which is much, much, much better than the movie, which really, if you want my opinion, stunk it up. I also like her book, The Probable Future. Sarah Dessen's Someone Like You, Keeping The Moon and Dreamland are all great.
Personal Quote: "I was an okay teenager, and I was a pretty decent 20 something, but I am gonna be a SLAMMING 30 year old." - Me, the Slamming 30 Year Old

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An Optimist's Bad Day

My painting is of a little redheaded girl who woke up on the wrong side of the bed and it was downhill from there. But she's an optimist, so though she's sad, she knows tomorrow will be better.
Tags : redhead positivity optimist inspirational cute
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