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nabil al-zein Artist - nabil al-zein








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About nabil al-zein

I'm Nabil and I'm Italo-Syrian. I was born in Damascus (Syria) on 29th December, 1944 and I live in Italy. I believe that: "True freedom is a dream ... that's why a dream is freedom". I am a “free artist” as I don’t accept to be identified with any specific work of art. Thus Picasso, the father of Cubism but not only cubist, had taught, the same applies to Michelangelo Pistoletto who deliberately tried to seem incoherent in his works and Gerhard Richter spanning in full awareness through all pictorial branches indistinctively even if they seemed incompatible. I call my method in abstract painting “free colour for the free artist”. In my conceptual works I would normally indulge in aspects such as social, environment, political and spiritual, while my mini-collages are characterized by highlighting expressions of the human face (eyes, lips and hair). The three-dimensionality touched on by Picasso and stated by Fontana to fully express the concept of “space” nowadays has to be considered as strictly connected to the fourth dimension that is time, to interact one in the other by changing it (being strictly interdependent one from the other) due to motion as a mark of life. A concept that was summarised in his time by the universal genius on any kind of art and science, Leonardo: “Movement is the principle of anything”. In addition the fifth dimension, the spiritual one, according to Kandinskij must not be neglected. The artist’s task is to highlight the traces of all that. Collective and personal exhibitions in Italy, France and Slovak Republic. My activity includes in addition to painting, sculpture and photography too. For me the PHOTOGRAPHIC ART is the release technique with all the exposure parameters, the beauty of the framing, the expressive effectiveness of the image with the message it carries and also more. This was up to yesterday. Nowadays in the digital era, wide frontiers are still to be explored. The photographic art is in a complete revolution like the one of the Twentieth Century that shook figurative painting. The competition is decisively open among artists of photography, video and installations. The space I have granted to myself in this boundless panorama is the one of the attentive observer catching unrepeatable images, fixing on the old and glorious film the fleeting moment and pouring everything into the melting pot of the feverish research about man and the surrounding cosmos, thinking about a reflection: “Do human events leave their mark on the universe or the opposite?”. The alternation of turbulence and harmony has always characterised both: then, which one is imitating the other? The question would seem to have a granted answer but believe me, it is not like that at all. This is the reason that has kept me sheltered from the digital “for the moment”, but the last word has not been said!

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