My CENTRE FOR AFRIKAN ART & DESIGNS,IBADAN,NIGERIA Wed 20th Feb, 2008 THI IS CENTRE WAS FOUNDED BY ME IN 2002.THE INSPIRATION CAME IN AS A RESULT OF MY INTEREST IN CREATING A PLACE WHERE I CAN IMPART CREATIVE KNOWLEDGE TO YOUNG NIGERIANS,WHO WILL CARRY THE ARTISTIC MESSAGE FAR AND WIDE.THE. CENTRE HAS VARIOUS ARTISTIC OPTIONS LIKE PAINTING,SCULPTURE,TEXTILE DESIGNS,GRAPHICS AND CERAMICS.ADMISSION IS FREE AND ANYBODY CAN COME IN TO DEVELOP HIS CREATIVE POTENTIALS.MATERIALS ARE NOT PROVIDE,BUT THERE ARE FACILITIES ON GROUND FOR USAGE 1 comments About Ellis OyekolaI was born into a family of Yoruba artist called AJIBOGUNDE of western Nigeria some 54 years ago.I have B.A,MA,Visual art.Ihave been teaching and practising art for the past 30yeas.Founder of Centre for Afrikan art &Designs,Ibadan,Nigeria.I am married with childrenContact InformationEmail: about Ellis OyekolaOccupation: LecturerInterests and Hobbies: Drawing,footballing,dancing Artists: PAINTER (Abstract Expressionism) Music: Fela Movies: SPY Books and Writers: Hardly Chase Personal Quote: The joy of the LORD is my stregnth My favourite pictures | View location within masterpiece Share this image on Facebook Add picture to my favourites Report to a moderator Swap position with this member Latest comments on this artwork:
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