My linkshttp://morningartist.blogspot.com The Morning Artist Blog Wed 26th Mar, 2008 Hello. I'm glad you stopped by. Every morning, I wake up to either write or paint. Please join me every day as I share with you inspiring stories and new paintings from my easel. Grab your favorite cup of tea or coffee and let's greet the day with visual art treats. Invite a friend too, I always save a spare seat for a new friend. Thanks and hope to see you soon at: 3 comments About Morning ArtistHello, I'm the Morning Artist. I'm also a writer, poet and yogi. As a new mom, I can only paint in the wee hours of the morning and write when everyone in my busy household has settled in. I invite you to accompany me everyday in these quiet mornings through my paintings and writings. Let's call it our visual arts yoga. Namaste.Contact InformationEmail: morningartist@yahoo.comMore about Morning ArtistOccupation: Artist, Writer, Poet, YogiInterests and Hobbies: Painting, Yoga, Poetry & Writing, Parenting Artists: My niece, Mae. Movies: I love The Notebook. It hits so close to home. Books and Writers: I'm currently reading 'Next Thing on My List" by Jil Smolenski Personal Quote: Strive to be happy. Smile. There's always a reason to be thankful for. My favourite pictures | View location within masterpiece Share this image on Facebook Add picture to my favourites Report to a moderator Swap position with this member Latest comments on this artwork:
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