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Karen Erdmann Artist - Karen Erdmann




United States




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About Karen Erdmann

Here's what I know today. I am a mother, a grandmother, a daughter, a sister. I am a nurse, a farmer, a shepherdess, an artist and a writer. I love wild nature and animals seem to enjoy my company. I have a lovely farm in Washington state and the solitude and peace make this the best place to come home to. That is what I know today.

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aim: KarenErdmann

More about Karen Erdmann

Occupation: nurse, farmer, shepherdess, artist, writer
Interests and Hobbies: caring for people, writing prose and poetry, needle felting, making bamboo walking sticks, photographing nature, talking with owls.
Artists: My favorite art is actually created by my husband Bruce Erdmann, he is a sensitive watercolor artist.
Music: The New World Symphone...never can hear that enough.
Movies: Andy Goldsworthy Rivers and Tides
Books and Writers: my favorite book is my thesaurus
Personal Quote: I know this sounds dark but it is often so true for me. "It's the hope that gets you..." What I mean by this is that if you keep hoping and waiting, you can get stuck in the process, move past what you are hoping for and just get out there and do!

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