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F Heather Hollandsworth

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Heather Hollandsworth Artist - Heather Hollandsworth




United States




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Is Anne Frank bisexual?
Tue 9th Dec, 2008

When first reading the heading of this bulletin, you probably assume I am an immature kid who likes to make fun of people and history. That may be true, but does not apply to what I am writing now. Pages 130 and 131 of Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl suggest her sexual preference for girls.

Here is an excerpt:

"I already had these kinds of feelings subconsiously before I came here, because I remember that once when I slept with a girl friend I had a strong desire to kiss her, and that I did do so. I could not help being terribly inquisitive over her body, for she had always kept it hidden from me. I asked her whether, as a proof of our friendship, we should feel one another's breasts, but she refused. I go into ecstasies every time I see the naked figure of a woman, such as Venus, for example. It strikes me as so wonderful and exquisite that I have difficulty in stopping the tears rolling down my cheeks.

If only I had a girlfriend!"

You may think after reading this, "Oh, she's just a girl, she doesn't even know what she's doing!" But remember, she is 14 years old. Weren't you aware of your sexuality at that age? Well then, I'm pretty sure she was, too.


About Heather Hollandsworth

Hey, I'm Heather (13). I always loved art ever since I picked up my first crayon lol I live in NC but I'm not a redneck like most people assume =~= And no, I don't have a southern accent (got rid of it at young age due to embarrassment lol)

Contact Information

None available.

More about Heather Hollandsworth

Interests and Hobbies: graphic art
Artists: Thomas Kinkade, Salvador Dali...
Music: rock / metal / screamo
Movies: Twilight
Books and Writers: the Twilight saga by Stephenie Meyer
Personal Quote: If a chair is free, believe me, there is a reason!!!

My favourite pictures

Jan Kowalewski
Gostycyn - Tuchola Forest, Poland, PL

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No eyelashes

Sloppy, have migraine DX ick, she looks sooo weird D: I dont like to draw eyelashes, thats y there are none lol
Tags : ugly girl meh heather hollandsworth
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Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 477601 Jan Kowalewski
Tue 9th Dec, 2008
Thanks for rating. The picture was in progress. Now it's finished. BTW, Nice gallery!
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