My linkshttp://www.jstewart.com About John N. StewartHello! I'm an active artist/musician and live in Cottonwood, California. I'm 69, going on 22 and enjoy life very much.Contact InformationNone available.More about John N. StewartOccupation: Artist/MusicianInterests and Hobbies: Computers, photography, composing music, all types of art. Artists: Chuck Close, Robert Irwin, Andrew Wyeth, Barbara Raymond Stewart, Paul Gauguin, Van Gogh, Music: Jazz, classical, gospel, impressionist, reflective. Movies: To Kill a Mockingbird, Citizen Kane, Giant. Books and Writers: The Bible, In Cold Blood - Truman Capote, John Updike, My favourite pictures | View location within masterpiece Share this image on Facebook Add picture to my favourites Report to a moderator Latest comments on this artwork:
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