My links CHURN an ART & MUSIC MAGAZINE to re-launch March 2011!! Thu 27th Jan, 2011 Welcome Artists and Musicians!! CHURN an ART an MUSIC Magazine will re-launch in March 2011!! - website: CHURN features indepth articles and interviews with world class Artists/ Musicians/ Writers / Theatre perfomers and Film makers. Word on the street is that Churn will be releasing its come-back collector's issue 7# in March 2011 featuring BILL ORTIZ and artist John Brophy just to name a few. Add your website link and CHURN will add it to the new Art / Music Directory : send it to - Submissions: To submit a streaming Art or Music video send it to: contact@churnmagazine.comto be put on CHURNTUBE coming soon!! SUPPORT THE ARTS CHURN IS BACK!! 0 comments About CHURNMASTERJMy Name is CHURNMASTERJ an Artist and graduate from the San Francisco Art Institute. I am the Founder of an ART & Music &Magazine called " "CHURN an Art Magazine ". See After a long haiatus CHURN has re-launched the magazine.Word on the street is the new issue will be out in March 2011. CHURN supports Artists & Musicians through a printed magazine as well as an online version . We also will be launching CHURNTUBE ( a place for Artists/ Musicians / Theatre performers to submit thier streaming videos - Submit your art/ music or to add your website link go to: CHURN welcomes all art formsContact InformationEmail: contact@churnmagazine.comaim: churnmasterj More about CHURNMASTERJOccupation: GHOST BYSTANDERInterests and Hobbies: Painting , , networking , making new friends , good food and drink ,chess Artists: Rene Magritte , Salvador Dali- ( Spain ) , H.R. Giger-( Germany ) ,Paul Rumsey , Pedro DeKastro -( Brazil)- SURREALISM NOW founded by artist Keith Wigdor - Music: Pink Floyd, America , Journey , Disturbed ,Pat Metheney Group , Boston Movies: Scarface , Rocky 1 /2 /3, Existenz- ( Directed by-David Cronenberg ), What About Bob ? ( Bill Murray -lead actor ), Excorsist Books and Writers: David Hume - The External World Personal Quote: " Laugh while you still can.." J.M My favourite pictures | View location within masterpiece Share this image on Facebook Add picture to my favourites Report to a moderator Swap position with this member Latest comments on this artwork:
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