My Calender. Tue 4th Dec, 2007 I know a lot of people have posted bulletins about being on the Calender. Congratulations to everyone that made it. I really didn't expect to have made it on. I was really surprised when I got an e-mail telling me about it. If I had known before hand about people getting selected for it, I think I would have tried to make my drawing a little better. Then again, I found it really hard to do what I have up now with the mouse, so I doubt I could have made it any better haha. Well it really is amazing and I hope I will have enough money to purchase one. Christmas is coming up, so I don't know yet, but hopefully. Again congratulations to everyone that made it (who is reading this :P ) There's so many great ones on there. 1 comments About Laura RoseI can't draw! Just so you know ;-)Contact InformationNone available.More about Laura RoseNone available.My favourite pictures | View location within masterpiece Share this image on Facebook Add picture to my favourites Report to a moderator Swap position with this member Latest comments on this artwork:
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