Million Masterpiece
The One Million Masterpiece global arts project 32,731 artists
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Artist Name

Margaret Welsh




London, United Kingdom




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About Margaret Welsh

Hello! I've joined this project simply because it looks so INTERESTING. I can't wait to see what the finished product looks like! I'm a fourteen year old girl, living in London. Sometimes, people tend to assume that simply because you're young, you're unqualified to see a picture of society, simply because you haven't lived in it long enough. I think I have had the same chance at recognising the nature of the society I live in as anyone else, albeit with rampant pessimism of my generation. I look forward to seeing what people come up with for this project!

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Now, let's just try again, shall we?

With the current state the world is in, maybe it's time for a different strategy for improving the planet. Let's try again.
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Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 533541 Jason Knight
Sun 1st Apr, 2007
Wonderful! -Jason
Image 488793 Mike Wallis
Thu 8th Feb, 2007
nice pic, and sentiment, Ive included it in a youtube video of 50 views of the earth form OMM,more info at- Community, Project Direction, Earth Squares, you can see the film at
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