Artist Name | Pauline French | Age | 36 | Location | Edmonton, Canada | Number | 439176 | Paintings | 1 View gallery | | My links About Pauline French Hello, I am Pauline. I obviously love art. I am a cartoonist, mainly in anime. My dream is to animate my own short film or create a comic/manga of my own. I would like to work as an art teacher, or even open my own art supply store. If none of this works out I'll forever work in the plastics plant I'm currently working in (no!!!).
Unti I reach my dreams, I am a 17 year old finishing high school in style. Contact Information None available. More about Pauline French None available. My favourite pictures | | Love allDigital Stipple that will eventually form a heart and hopefully a bit more.
Ed. AB. Canada, Pauline French |  0community votes | My neighbourhood |