Million Masterpiece
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Artist Name

Maarten Wydooghe




Lichtervelde, Belgium




1 View gallery

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Storm's Abound!

Two peeps watch the storm approach. More of this (in real paint!) on my site, cheers!
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Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 559215 Daniel Alekow
Thu 1st Nov, 2007
hey, do you feel like joining a big collaboration of many artists here on OMM to shape one big picture? see my bulletin for details, and drop a message soon! would be cool to have you! =)
Image 440736 Anonymous
Sun 16th Sep, 2007
I love this, the coloring and style is so nice. Definitely a vote from me.
Image 477537 Liz Joyce
Fri 13th Jul, 2007
Really love the style, mood, and choice of colour. One of my favourites!
Image 522392 Sharon Pascoe
Thu 21st Jun, 2007
Love the perspective and shapes in this!
Image 452041 Baba 49
Thu 14th Jun, 2007
Very nice!
Image 365625 Joseph Sowards
Sat 28th Apr, 2007
Nice colors and view.
Image 533541 Jason Knight
Fri 13th Apr, 2007
Nice painting! -Jason
Image 408825 Omer Goth
Sat 31st Mar, 2007
simple but i can actualy visualize a storom in the colors, nice!
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