Million Masterpiece
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Artist Name

Brittany Adams




Burkburnett, United States




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About Brittany Adams

Well, I'm Brittany, I live in a small town in Texas, yes, that is that self absorbed state that has it's own pledge. I enjoy painting, and all other atrforms. I enjoy literature, it's one of my emtional releases. That's about it for now. Oh and I have two dogs.

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When you look, do you really see?

When you ask "How are you" do you wait to hear the reply? When you look at your life do you ever wonder, why? Do you watch the world and wonder what it could be , when you look, do you really see?
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Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 533541 Jason Knight
Mon 21st May, 2007
Wonderful! -Jason
Image 395965 Oleta Seriana
Mon 15th Jan, 2007
lovely art my friend
Image 443973 Angeli Arndt
Thu 4th Jan, 2007
very nice image with an excellent message - great work!
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