Million Masterpiece
The One Million Masterpiece global arts project 32,731 artists
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Artist Name

Carrie Woldman




lombard, United States




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I'd prefer to remain mysterious!

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Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 627966 Annina Sjöström
Sun 10th Jun, 2007
Strange... somehow this reminded me of Nuno Bettencourt from Extreme... but now that I take a closer look at it, I can see I was wrong. It is very bautifully drawn though.
Image 551118 Laura Schrampfer
Tue 15th May, 2007
very nice!
Image 604030 Katherine M
Sat 12th May, 2007
just lovely
Image 586463 Ande Saunders
Sun 6th May, 2007
Image 533541 Jason Knight
Tue 10th Apr, 2007
Nice square! -Jason
Image 567175 Matt Kaiser
Sun 4th Mar, 2007
You have a beautiful style!
Image 448878 Eleftheria Roumeli
Sat 3rd Mar, 2007
UNBELIEVABLE!! so pretty!!!!!!!!
Image 573576 Megan Ball
Mon 19th Feb, 2007 wow...
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