My links Maria De GierWhy do people make art? It's a strange and wonderful phenomenon that has no reason for existance if you look at it objectively. See, we would survive without it. We would have enough food, there's no danger of dying if we didn't perform it. Why do some feel the need to make music, visual arts or write stories? Why is it that through history people always made art? I think it's because by doing so, we tell stories. Big stories, humble stories, old or completely new. We are all different, but still one species, on one beautiful little planet. Through art we communicate, sometimes it takes effort, but we can find a way to understand eachother.Communicate over greater distances, but also through time. Through different generations. Therefor I think art is just as essential for life as food or water. Not only for the people who make it, but for the people who receive and experience it as well. It inspires everyone. Leaves us in awe. Some people say to me I should get a real job, but I never answer to that. As a child I started drawing really early, when I was about six I decided I wanted to become a "person who makes drawings", I never thought of myself to become an artist. Although I wanted to. Now I'm studying illustration and making my whole life evolve around creating. It's such a relief to know that it is possible to do it as a living. Though I know some artists are struggling to make it and have other daytime jobs. I just hope I can find my place, and do what I wish for: give meaning, tell stories.... reach out.Contact InformationEmail: artalways@hotmail.comMore about Maria De GierOccupation: studentPersonal Quote: I dream all the time My favourite pictures
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