Million Masterpiece
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Artist Name

Mallory Thompson




Canton, United States




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Tags : face mallory thompson bubbles
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Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 483998 J West
Wed 24th Oct, 2007
Amazing square. Composition really gives this an extra sparkle ;D
Image 629638 Marilyn Badthing
Wed 13th Jun, 2007
Hi Mallory :) Can't help but think of you! you are so sweet and winsome and also deep and introspective. An intriguing combination.
Image 533541 Jason Knight
Sun 15th Apr, 2007
Great! -Jason
Image 508042 Tracey Pearce
Sat 31st Mar, 2007
Great picture love your shading love your style and choice of colours fantastic
Image 404041 Michelle Meijs
Sun 14th Jan, 2007
very nice.. I like the soft look of it.. she's a doll:)
Image 546465 Joyce Chang
Thu 11th Jan, 2007
This is great
Image 443973 Angeli Arndt
Sun 17th Dec, 2006
This is so nice. I will think about you now! ;)
Image 421573 Allison Dollar
Fri 15th Dec, 2006
Nice!I like both of the images, but the second one is really lovely :D
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