Million Masterpiece
The One Million Masterpiece global arts project 32,731 artists
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Artist Name

Lesley Tooze




Somewhere, United Kingdom




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About Lesley Tooze

Would you believe it - I graduated this year and now a full time, professional artist! A long time coming but enjoying every minute. So I'm here to tell everyone - it's never too late.......

Contact Information

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More about Lesley Tooze

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My favourite pictures

Trond Kulterud
Oslo, NO

Elisa Saragò

Jeanne Krebbeks
Newark, US

Melek Tekin
istanbul, TR

Ottawa, CA

Riekkie R
Centurion, ZA

Olivia Spargo
Wollongong, AU

ALex Marinica
Bucharest, RO

Dj Vill
nowherespecial, US

Joel Pigou
Leicestershire, GB

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Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 1003519 Ariana Knight
Sun 10th Aug, 2008
Wow, this is beautiful! It's so chaotic, yet so detailed, and I agree with everyone else, so full of energy!
Image 540069 Anthony Armetta
Mon 2nd Jun, 2008
I like your style.
Image 596021 Michael Loyd
Tue 29th Apr, 2008
This is simply astounding!!
Image 1001907 Meno
Sat 15th Dec, 2007
Vibrant and alive!
Image 500061 Tara Parker-Essig
Sun 9th Dec, 2007
Wow! The way you're done the colors it seems like shes moving and dancing, and she'll pop straight out of the computer screen at any second!
Image 436073 Laura Bretherton
Thu 6th Dec, 2007
Wow, I love the movement in this picture! The colours and the way you've used them as solids really makes it vibrant and full of life. Really get the impression she's enjoying dancing!
Image 403964 Iselin Straum
Mon 19th Nov, 2007
Love the colors! - - Thank you so much for the comment! :)
Image 527223 Bobbi-lee Richmond
Sun 4th Nov, 2007
this is very original i love the colours. You have a lovely portfolio too.
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