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E Dore




Christchurch, United Kingdom




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About E Dore

Hi, Im Eddy, and my best mate showed me thios, and im gonna draw something! :)

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Journey Through Muse

Matt Bellamy's Ever Changing moods...
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Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 429543 Ruth Malcolm
Thu 18th Sep, 2008
Matt Bellamy is a legend! And Muse are a legendary band :D! Love your square! XO
Image 560764 Rimmel Livera
Fri 4th Jan, 2008
too good!
Image 519184 Rosa Campbell
Wed 28th Nov, 2007
Nice stuff, the detail on the face was lovely, and the final picture's really striking. Also, Muse rock =)
Image 384834 Anonymous
Wed 10th Oct, 2007
it's great! and the playback rocks! :-) +1
Image 392852 Joe Bloww
Mon 10th Sep, 2007
always liked this one.Up arrow from me.
Image 555924 E Dore
Thu 28th Jun, 2007
thanks for all your comments :)
Image 376812 Anonymous
Tue 5th Jun, 2007
Lol guess what i was acctually listenting to while i came to this picture. Its very good.
Image 448756 Thebrilliant Yuriko
Mon 21st May, 2007
i love 5 for you
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