Million Masterpiece
The One Million Masterpiece global arts project 32,731 artists
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Artist Name

Leah Richards




Cheltenham, United Kingdom




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About Leah Richards

I'm a dramatic, creative, arty, mad (in a nice way) sort of person who reccomends this personality to anyone who would like to try it out :D

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Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 443973 Angeli Arndt
Sun 25th Feb, 2007
Mog is adorable! :D
Image 389604 Aunty Mor
Sat 24th Feb, 2007
Cute ginger moggy and your secret is safe with me (wink)
Image 568826 Flo Jones
Wed 21st Feb, 2007
This is such a cute cat, I want it! xxx
Image 480797 Jo Stansfield
Sun 22nd Oct, 2006
What an adorable cute cat!
Image 488792 Laura Dixon
Thu 19th Oct, 2006
I love Cats and I love this square!
Image 436008 Jamie Thompson
Sun 15th Oct, 2006
cool cat! and thanks for the comment :D
Image 554376 Emma Hoffström
Sun 15th Oct, 2006
I wanted to say that I love this cat!
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